General Information | Syllabus | Homework |
Textbook | Instructor | Lectures |
Homework | X-Hour Workshops | Examinations |
Grades | Honor Principle | Disabilities |
Textbook |
![]() |
Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Third Edition
by David C. Lay Published by Addison Wesley ISBN: 0201709708 |
While you may purchase the textbook at the local bookstore, I highly recommend that you search online for the best price, and suggest that you purchase a good-quality used copy if you can find one in the correct (third!) edition. For example, you could try There is also a study guide for the textbook, which is also highly recommended but not required. The Study Guide includes fully worked out solutions to exercises, which may be more helpful than the one-line answers in the back of the book.
Instructor |
Lee Stemkoski |
Office: 1F Bradley Hall |
Office Hours: M 3-4, T 2-3, W 2-3, Th 10-11, F 10-11,
and by appointment |
Email: (can you figure out why?) |
Lectures |
MWF 11:15 - 12:20
x-hour: T 12:00-12:50 |
Location: Steele 008 |
Daily attendence is required -- it is crucial to success in this course. However, if you must miss a class due to illness or other reasons, please contact the instructor (a short note via Blitzmail is sufficient) well before the start of class.
Homework |
The philosophy of this course is:
Mathematics is not a spectator sport! Football players don't train for the season by watching instant replays on TV -- nothing can take the place of exercise and practice. Similarly, you cannot learn mathematics by only listening to the lecture; you must participate in the learning process, both in and out of the classroom.
The homework assignments are particularly important, not only because they count
for 20% of your grade, but because they sharpen your understanding. Homework problems will be assigned at the end
of each class (and posted on the course website). Also on the homework webpage you will find "reading goals": a list of what you will need to understand from each section. There are also "recommended problems": they do not
need to be turned in, but if you are looking to solidify or test your understanding,
they are a good place to start.
Homework assignments are due on the Wednesday following the day they were assigned. Late homework will not be accepted. If you can not make it to class, you are responsible for turning in the assignment early or finding someone to drop it off in class for you.
Each homework problem will be graded on a scale of 0 -- 3 points, as follows:
0 | left blank, incorrect problem attempted, or statement of problem rewritten with no work |
1 | partial progress towards solution |
2 | correct answer with incomplete work shown, or correct work with incorrect answer (e.g. arithmetic mistakes) |
3 | correct answer with complete work shown |
Homework is to be written neatly, single sided, on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper. Do not use paper from a spiral notebook unless you can tear off the ragged edge. All papers are to be stapled.
The grader reserves the right to deduct 10% from the homework grade if these requirements are not met.
X-Hour Workshops |
In addition to covering the basics of linear algebra, Math 22 also involves in-depth discussions of applications
and proof-writing techniques. Therefore, the X-hours will be used for proof workshops and application workshops.
Assignments will be given on these days to be turned in on Friday, and are counted towards the homework grade. (The standard homework rules still apply.)
Examinations |
There will be two exams and a final in this course:
Exam 1 | Tuesday, July 26, 6:00pm-8:00pm, Bradley 102 |
Exam 2 | Tuesday, August 16, 6:00pm-8:00pm, Bradley 102 |
Final Exam | Saturday, August 27, 8:00am-11:00am, Rockefeller 2 |
Grades |
The grades in this course will be calculated as follows:
Homework |
20% |
Exam 1 | 25% |
Exam 2 | 25% |
Final Exam | 30% |
Honor Principle |
Collaboration on homework is permitted and encouraged; that is, it's a great idea to talk about the problems with each other and try to solve them together. However, you must write up homework solutions independently and in your own words. To do otherwise is a violation of the honor principle and jeopardizes your understanding of the material.
Disabilities |
Students with disabilities who will be taking this course and may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to see the instructor as soon as possible. Also, they should stop by the Academic Skills Center in Collis Center to register for support services.