Math 22 Homepage
Summer 1998
The basic details for the course are outlined in the description of
the course handed out in lecture on day
one of the course. In order to read and print this file using
your browser, you will need the Adobe
Acrobat Reader; instructions for doing this are given in the
homework assignment "due" on the first day of class below.
Some Important Points:
Math 22 meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in room 104 Bradley from
11:15am to 12:20pm. In addition, we will always meet in our x-hour on
Tuesdays from 12:00 to 12:50pm.
- There will be no workshop Tuesday August 18th.
To see the distribution of scores on the first mid-term, click here. To see the suggested solutions,
click here.
- To see the distribution of scores on the second mid-term, click here. To see the suggested solutions,
click here. The grade marked on your
exam, is an estimate of your grade in the course based on the
first two exams. It does not take your performance on
the homework into account.
I hope to meet everyone at least once in my office. Of course, the
best way is to visit during my office hours.
Homework Assignments:
The assignments are listed by date due,
and are due in class on Monday morning. Our graders are Susan Lawson
and Sean Parr. If you have
questions regarding the grading of your homework, you should first
e-mail them (by clicking on their names) before contacting me.