Office Hours between now and the final: (NOTE: all of the following is potentially subject to change. In the event that I have to alter my office hours, I will do my best to post the updates here.) I should be in my office from noon to 3 on Wednesday, from 8 a.m. to noon on Thursday, and from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday. On Wednesday and Thursday, I'll handle people on a first-come first-served basis. On Friday, I will give priority to math 9 students during even-numbered hours (8-9, 10-11, etc.) and math 23 students during odd-numbered hours (9-10, 11-12, etc.). Drop by anytime, but be aware that math 9 students have the right to boot you out during even hours.
Update: I will be gone from 10-11 on Thursday. So that leaves 8-10 and 11-12.
It looks like I will not have time to post answers to the practice exam. Note that many of them can be checked using Maple, or by direct substitution. I have arranged a little area where you can post your solution and/or questions and talk amongst yourselves. Click here. I may or may not have any time late tonight to answer questions, but maybe some of your classmates will help out.
Office: Choate 103
Phone number: 646 - 2293
Email (the best way to contact me):
Official office hours: MWF 1:00-2:30
Other office hours: Email me to set up an appointment (this will usually work) or just drop by the office (this plan is a bit riskier).
Course meeting times: MWF 10:00-11:05 and x-hour Th 12:00-12:50
Text: Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (Sixth Edition), by Boyce and DiPrima
Maple: We will be using the software package Maple from time to time. If you are not familiar with Maple, here is some information to get you started.
Grade: Your grade will be determined as follows:
Category Weight ---------------------------------- homework and quizzes 15% 2 mid-term exams 25% each final exam 35%
Exams: The date, time, and format of all 3 exams are yet to be determined. Expect the first mid-term sometime around October 15, and the second sometime around November 12.
Makeup policy: Homework will be assigned (almost) every class period, and will be due at the next class meeting. No late homework will be accepted for any reason, but your three lowest homework scores will be dropped before computing your grade. Thus you may miss up to three homework assignments without penalty.
Makeup tests will only be given in case of legitimate emergencies.
Honor policy: The official university honor policy will be followed. In addition consider the following points:
Students with disabilities: I encourage students with disabilities, including "invisible" disabilities like chronic diseases and learning disabilities, to discuss with me any appropriate accommodations that might be helpful.