Textbook: Elementary Differential Equations
and Boundary Value Problems
by William E. Boyce and Richard C. DiPrima, 7th edition.
Homework: Daily homework and reading
will be assigned each class period
and due before the next class period. There
will also be a few longer homework
assignments, distributed periodically during the term,
which you will have one or
two weeks to complete. Homework will be graded
out of 10 points, and you will
receive an automtic five points for making an attempt
at all the problems. Late
homework is eligible only for the automatic 5 points.
If you have a valid reason
for turning in homework late (such as illness or a family
emergency) please talk to
your professor. Your lowest two daily homework
grades will be dropped before
computing your end-of-term average.
Exams: The midterm exam schedule is
Exam 1 | Thursday, April 19 | 6PM - 8PM | Chapters 2 and 3 |
Exam 2 | Thursday, May 17 | 6 PM - 8 PM | Chapters 5 and 7 |
There will be one final exam, to be scheduled by the registrar.
If you have a
conflict with a midterm exam, please talk to your professor
soon as possible
about scheduling an alternate time. Final exams
are given only during the
scheduled times; please do not make plans to leave campus
during final exam
period before you know when your finals are scheduled.
Calculators are not
allowed on exams.
Grading: Grades in Math 23 will
be computed as follows: Homework 20%,
midterms 25% each, final 30%.
Honor Principle: Every student
who matriculates at Dartmouth agrees to
abide by the academic honor principle. You have
an obligation to act with
integrity in your own academic work, and to take action
if you observe honor
code violations by others. Academic integrity is
essential to the scholarly
enterprise and we take it seriously.
In Math 23, you are encouraged to work together on homework
and to use professors, other students, other textbooks,
and generally any
resource you can find that will help you understand and
work the problems.
You must write up the homework solutions by yourself
in your own words.
In brief, collaborate but don't copy.
You must do all work on exams independently, without giving
or receiving
assistance of any kind.
Special Concerns: Please talk to your professor
as soon as possible, or
whenever something comes up, about any special concerns
you have about the
class. If you have a disability and may require
disability-related accommodations,
talk to the professor as soon as possible; this includes
invisible disabilities like
chronic diseases, learning disabilities, and psychiatric
disabilities. If you have
athletic or other extracurricular commitments and hope
to accommodate them
(for example, by taking midterms at alternative times),
talk to the professor. If
you are ill and fall behind on work, talk to the professor.
If you are in any way
concerned about the course or your performance in it,
talk to the professor.
If you can't do the homework, talk to the professor.
Make an appointment,
either after class or viaphone or blitzmail, if you can't
make regular office
hours. We are here and we want to see you.