MATH 23 Differential Equations - Spring 2015

Instructor Olivia Prosper R. Sadykov
Class Section 001 (Kemeny 105): MWF 12:30-1:35
Section 002 (Kemeny 006): MWF 11:15-12:20
x-hour Tu 1:00-1:50 Tu 12:00-12:50
Office 318 Kemeny Hall 314 Kemeny Hall
Phone 603-646-1614 603-646-2951
Office Hours Mon 2:30-4:30, Th 1:00-2:00 Mon 3:00-4:00, Th 2:00-3:30
Schedule and Homework Click here Click here

Course Description

Differential equations are equations that relate functions and their higher order (partial) derivatives. They provide a natural language and set of tools through which we can describe and explore the world around us.  For instance, in mathematics and physics differential equations can be used to describe the path that light will travel in exotic geometries. In engineering, differential equations can be used to model how a bridge will twist under stress. In finance, (stochastic) differential equations are used to help price financial derivatives (e.g, options, futures & credit derivatives). In biology, differential equations are used to model tumor growth and the spread of infectious disease.

This course will focus primarily on methods for obtaining exact solutions to various types of differential equations, but (as time permits) we will also explore means of ferreting out qualitative information about solutions based on the form of the differential equation. Topics will include some of the following.


Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (10th Edition) by Boyce & DiPrima, Wiley 2012.


Tutor: Daryl R. Deford

Location: Kemeny Hall 006

Time: Tue, Th, Sun, 7-9pm


Weekly homework will be assigned every Wednesday and due on following Wednesday 2:00PM. You are encouraged to collaborate with classmate, but your final write up must reflect your understanding and you must acknowledge collaborators. No late homework will be accepted.


Final grade will be computed according to the following scheme

Homework 10%
Exam I 25%
Exam II 25%
Final 40%


May 8: Final day for dropping a fourth course without a grade notation of "W." (Acknowledgment of instructor required. If withdrawing from a fourth course after this date, one of four eligibilities for a fourth course without extra tuition is exhausted by such action.)

May 19: Final day to withdraw from a course; any later request to withdraw from a course requires petition to a special committee by 4:00 p.m. (One of four eligibilities for a fourth course without extra tuition is exhausted by such action after May 8.)

Honor Principle

You are encouraged to work together on homework. However, the final writeup should be your own. On exams, all work should be entirely your own; no consultation of other persons, printed works, computing devices, or online works, or online sources is allowed without instructor's explicit permission.

Student with disabilities

Any student with a diagnosed learning disability requiring accommodations should see instructor and Ward Newmeyer (Director of Student Accessibility Services) as early in the term as possible.