General Information | Syllabus | Homework Assignments | Exam Related |
Instructors | Lectures | Textbook |
Examinations | Homework Policy | Grades |
Honor Principle | Tutorials | Disabilities |
Instructors |
Instructor |
O. Dearricott |
Office | 314 Kemeny Hall |
Office hours | M 3-4 PM, W 3-4 PM, F 3-4 PM. |
Phone | 646-3507 |
Owen Dearricott |
Lectures |
Classroom | Kemeny 007 |
Lecture (MWF) | 1:45-2:50 |
X-hour | Thurs 1:00-1:50 |
Textbook |
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (8th edition) by Boyce & DiPrima. Published by Wiley.
Exams |
There will be two midterm examinations and a final examination. These exams are scheduled as follows:
Exam | Midterm 1 | Midterm 2 |
Final |
Date | January 25, 6:00 - 8:00 pm |
February 20, 6:00 - 8:00 pm |
March 12, 11:30 - 2:30 pm |
Classroom | Rockefeller 003 |
Rockefeller 003 |
Kemeny 008 |
Homework Policy |
Grades |
The course grade will be based upon two midterm exams, a final exam, homework, and class participation.
Midterm 1 | 100 points |
Midterm 2 | 100 points |
Final Exam | 200 points |
Written assignments |
50 points |
Total | 450 points |
The Honor Principle |
On Exams: No help given or received
On Homework: Collaboration is permitted and encouraged, but NO COPYING. Do feel free to discuss the general ideas of the problems with other students.
Tutorials |
Teaching assistant Ms. Naomi Davis will provide tutorial assistance for this course (help with your homework). Tutorials meet 7-9pm Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday in Kemeny Hall 105. Private tutors may be available through the Tutor Clearinghouse. If you would like to have a private tutor, please go to 301 Collis and fill out an application as early in the term as possible. There may be a waiting list.
Disabilities |
Students with disabilities who will be taking this course and may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to see their instructor as soon as possible. Also, they should stop by the Academic Skills Center in Collis Center to register for support services.