Winter 2002

Meets MWF 1:45 -- 2:50
x-hour Th 1:00 -- 1:50
Place 103 Bradley
Instructor Dana Williams
Office 201 Choate House
Hours MWF 10:00 -- 11:00

Math 24: Linear Algebra


Course Basics:

We will meet in the 2 period (a.k.a. Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 1:45 to 2:50). Note that we will also meet in our x-period as needed . I will post general announcements above. For more specific information click on the appropriate topic below:

Course Syllabus

It is each student's responsibility to be aware of important College deadlines laid out in the College Calendar .


Linear Algebra, by Friedberg, Insel and Spence.


Dana P. Williams . Office: 201 Choate House . BlitzMail: .


There will be two mid-term exams and a final exam. The mid-term exams will be part in class and part take home.  The in class portion will be given in our x-hour on Jan 31st and Feb 21st (dates subject to change).  The take home portion will be due at the beginning of the next class meeting (aka Friday).  The final will be given at a time and place during the exam period (March 10 - March 14) which will be scheduled by the Registrar's office near the end of January. No early exams will be given to accomodate over-optimistic travel plans.

Students having conflicts with the mid-term exams should contact their instructor early to try to resolve them.


Your grade in the course will be determined primarily from the total points obtained as follows:

Exam I (January 31st) 100
Exam II (February 21st)  100
Homework/Quizzes 100
Final 200

Homework Policy:

Homework is not meant to be competitive, but is absolutely crucial to learning the material.  Homework assignments will be made daily via this web page and will be due as indicated.  Late homework will not be accepted.

The Honor Principle:

On exams: No help given or received. 

On homework: Collaboration and the use of computers are permitted and encouraged, but NO COPYING . In other words, you should feel free to talk to other students, myself or anyone else while you are in the process of thinking about a problem. However, when it comes time to write up your solutions, you should do this by yourself without outside assistance.

Special Needs:

Students with special needs or disabilities should contact me as soon as possible so that we can arrange appropriate accommodations.

Last modified 4 January 2002 by dpw.