Math 25
Elementary Number Theory
Last updated August 02, 2011 13:48:42 EDT
- The final exam is comprehensive, though with a distinct emphasis
on the material since the second exam, and takes place on Monday, Dec
7, 3 - 6pm in 007 Kemeny
- Topics covered since the second miderm
- 6.6 + class notes on index calculus (discrete logs)
- 7.1 - 7.5: Quadratic residues and reciprocity; applications
- 2.3: Fermat and Mersenne numbers
- 8.1 - 8.6: Multiplicative functions, perfect numbers (including abundanct and deficient numbers), Mobious inversion and Dirichlet product
- 10.1 - 10.5: Sums of squares
Exams from the course:
T. R. Shemanske
Last updated August 02, 2011