Math 2
Calculus with Algebra and Trigonometry
Last updated January 23, 2004
General Information
Calculus: Single Variable, Alternate Version, Second Edition
by Deborah Hughes-Hallett et. al.
Published by Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
ISBN: 0-471-36113-5
The textbook comes as a paperback, and will be available at Wheelock Books. We suggest that you search online for the best price, and we strongly suggest that you purchase a good-quality used copy if you can find one in the correct version and edition.
Dominic Klyve E-mail: |
Office: 1H Bradley Hall |
Office Hours:
MWF: 10:00-11:00am (1H Bradley)
T: 1:30-3:00pm (1H Bradley)
W: 9:00-11:00pm (4 Bradley)
and by appointment |
Lee Stemkoski E-mail: |
Office: 1H Bradley Hall |
Office Hours:
M: 11:00am-12:00pm (1H Bradley)
T: 8:00-10:00pm (4 Bradley)
W: 12:30-1:30pm (1H Bradley)
and by appointment |
Section 1: Dominic Klyve |
MWF 8:45 - 9:50 Th 9:00 - 9:50 (x-period) |
102 Bradley Hall |
Section 2: Lee Stemkoski |
MWF 10:00 - 11:05 Th 12:00 - 12:50 (x-period) |
104 Gerry |
The IAS Program in the First Year Office will be running study groups for this course. Classes will be broken up into small groups for the purpose of reviewing the previous week's materials and for doing homework. An undergraduate tutor will guide each group. Tutorials will meet in the evening on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. If you are not currently in a study group, contact your instructor for more information.
Sophina Manheimer |
Janelle Moerlein |
OmoLara Olowoyeye |
Christopher Vale |
Study group information:
Mondays: |
7pm -- Sophina Manheimer
French lounge, River Cluster
7pm -- Lara Oloweyeye
Cohen basement study lounge, Choate Cluster |
9pm -- Chris Vale
Hinman lounge, River Cluster
Tuesdays: |
7pm -- Janelle Moerlein
3rd floor lounge, McCulloch, East Wheelock Cluster
8pm -- Sophina Manheimer
NAD house
8pm -- Chris Vale
Brown basement study lounge, Choate Cluster
8pm -- Lara Oloweyeye
Hinman lounge, River Cluster
Wednesdays: |
8pm -- Janelle Moerlein
Study room off Brace Commons, East Wheelock Cluster
The philosophy of this course is simple:
You learn math by doing math.
Mathematics is not a spectator sport! Football players don't train for the season by sitting around and reading about different plays -- nothing can take the place of exercise and practice. Similarly, you cannot learn mathematics by only listening to the lecture -- you must do problems, and lots of them. The first type of homework assignment consists of carefully chosen problem sets. There will be a total of 8 problem sets throughout the course. Rather than assign endless amounts of drill-like problems, we have chosen smaller selections of "good" problems to be turned in. These problems are labeled as "required" and can be found on the homework page. However, to be successful in this course, you will need to do far more than the minimum requirements. With each lesson we have also prepared a list of "recommended" problems which you do not have to hand in, but should still understand and be able to solve. Except for Set 0, problem sets are due at the beginning of class on quiz days (and are excellent preparation -- see below). Partial credit will be awarded. Late problem sets will NOT be accepted.
Problem sets, while vital to your learning the concepts in this course, do not closely model real world problems or situations. It is highly improbable that your future employer will ever say "Find the derivative of f(x) = x2." Rather, it is much more likely that you will be asked to solve actual (i.e. non-textbook-style) problems, whose answer requires more than the statement and application of a formula, and communicates more than a string of equations. For these reasons, we have developed a series of 4 writing assignments: realistic problems presented in a realistic format, which require a realistic response. The problems are at the same difficulty level as those you are already doing in problem sets; they just require a more formal response. These writing assignments will be due on Wednesdays. We will accept late assignments until the Friday of the same week, but late assignments will LOSE HALF CREDIT. For more information, see the following:
A Guide to Writing in Mathematics
The Checklist for Mathematical Writing
A sample writing assignment and solution
There will be a total of 7 quizzes throughout the term, given on Thursdays or Fridays (see the
syllabus for exact dates). By completing Problem Set 0, we will
allow you to drop the lowest quiz grade. Quizzes will cover only the topics from the
problem set due that particular day -- in fact, quizzes are basically problem mini-sets,
the only difference being that you must complete them on your own without notes or books. The best way to prepare for quizzes is to understand and successfully complete the corresponding problem set, as the quiz questions will usually be modified versions of the required or recommended problems.
There will be two exams and a final in this course:
Exam 1:
Tuesday, January 27, 6:00-8:00pm, 104 Wilder.
Exam 2:
Tuesday, February 24, 6:00-8:00pm, 104 Wilder.
Final Exam:
Friday, March 12, 8:00am (Stemkoski)
Monday, March 15, 8:00am (Klyve)
The grades in this course will be calculated as follows:
| number | points each | total points |
Problem Sets: | 8 | 6 | 48 |
Writing Assignments: | 4 | 12 | 48 |
Quizzes: | 6 | 18 | 108 |
Exams: | 2 | 48 | 96 |
Final Exam: | 1 | 100 | 100 |
Total Course Points: | | | 400 |
Your instructors are also fond of bonus points. There will be bonus homework problems, bonus questions on quizzes, perhaps a bonus writing assignment, and occasionally attendance will be taken to serve as a bonus in the case of borderline final grades.
Collaboration on homework is permitted and encouraged; that is, it's a great idea
to talk about the problems with each other and try to solve them together.
However, you must write up homework solutions independently and in your own words.
If you consult any person or source other than the course textbook, your class notes, and
the instructor, you must acknowledge the source in your homework write-up. You will
not be penalized for consulting other sources. Consulting the departmental writing editor on writing assignments is also permitted
and encouraged.
Students with disabilities who will be taking this course and may need
disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an
appointment to see the instructor as soon as possible. Also, they
should stop by the
Academic Skills Center
in Collis Center to register for support services.