Mathematics 2Calculus with Algebra and TrigonometryDartmouth College - Winter 2008
Announcements:- Solutions to the Extra Quiz have been fixed and reposted. A correct solution to the final review 11f can be found here.
- Everything
has been updated. Everything should have solutions. A copy
of the formula sheet that you will have during the final exam is posted
on the exam page.
- A Final Review has been posted on the exam page. An extra credit assignment has been posted on the homework page.
- Chapter 7 from the text, and the answers for the odd problems.
- Practice Exam 2 is now posted. All homework, exam , and quiz solutions are up to date.
- A
copy of the first exam and the solutions are now posted. If there
are still things you do not understand, you should see your instructor
in office hours or go to your study group leader.
- Solutions to the practice exam and all collected homework assignments have been posted.
- Typos in #2, 4, 5(g), and 6 on the practice exam have been fixed.
- A practice exam is now posted on the exam materials page.
- The Exam is Thursday, 6-8pm, in Moore B03. It will cover material through the end of Chapter 5.
- Quiz, and homework solutions have been posted, including some written by students. Also, more practice are listed.
- Some homework and quiz solutions have been posted. Check them out!
- New homework assignments and grading procedures are now posted.
- Class begins January 7th. See you there!