Course Resources
- Difference equations and modeling
- Here are some notes on interpolation.
- Overpopulation Is Not the Problem (Ellis)
- Models of Human Population Growth (Jones)
- Simple mathematical models with very complicated dynamics (May)
- The Viral Spread of a Zombie Media Story (Smith?)
- Preference systems and game theory
- Mathematics without Numbers (Kemeny) Section 4 page 586.
- Ranked Choice Voting in Maine (Ballotpedia)
- Maine lawmakers divided over ranked-choice voting (Thistle)
- A Straightforward Proof of Arrow's Theorem (Fey)
- Manipulation of Voting Schemes: A General Result (Gibbard)
- An axiomatization of Borda's rule (Young)
- Land of a Thousand Liebermans (Silver)
- The limited influence of the median voter (Gelman)
- Random Models
- Markov Chains (Grinstead and Snell)
- Conversational Modeling (DeFord)
- Time Series Models (DeFord)
- Network Models
- Systems of Differential Equations
- Lorenz Attractor (Kjerland)
MatLab Functions:
- Here is a link to the terminal entries from our introduction to MatLab: link.
- Here are the functions for our initial exploration of difference equations:
- Systems of Difference Equations
- Variable Carrying Capacity
- Lotka–Volterra Equations
- Simple Voting Model
- Voting Model with Growth
- College/HS Model with Growth
- Residuals
- Markov Processes
- Simulate Markov Process
- Simulate Markov Process with Labels
- Data Matrices from 10/16
- Learn Letter Tranisitions from Text
- Stepping Stone Animations
- Network Software
- Here is some code for interpolation.
- Here is some code for median voting analysis.
Other Resources
Relevant Books:
- An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (Bender)
- Concepts of Mathematical Modeling (Meyer)
- Mathematical Models in the Social Sciences (Kemeny and Snell)
- An Introduction to Mathematical Models in the Social and Life Sciences (Olinick)
- A Quantitative Tour of the Social Sciences (Gelman and Cortina)
- Weapons of Math Destruction (O'Neil)
- Modeling with Zombies (Smith?)
- Mathematics of Social Choice (Borgers)
- The Filter Bubble (Pariser)