astroidtwist animation Mathematical Modeling in the Social Sciences
Math 36 Winter 1999
Dartmouth College
MWF 10-11:05 x-hour Th 12-12:50 13 Bradley

Instructor: Matthew Conroy
Office: 307 Bradley
Office hours: 9-10 a.m. and by appointment

Topics: In this course, we will discuss applications of various mathematical techniques, such as differential equations, probability theory, Markov chains, chaos theory and graph theory, in psychology, sociology, anthropology, etc.

Text: Selected readings will be distributed.

Grading: Homework will be assigned (nearly) daily, and will generally be due one week after it is assigned. There will be no exams. Students will also complete a research paper. This research may involve a survey of known results, an investigation into the applicability of a certain model to various applications, a comparison of various models to a particular application, the development of a new model, etc. Collectively, the homework will account for 80% of the final grade, and the paper will account for 20%.

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