The details of course organization will be announced after the first meeting of the course when students give the instructor information about their background. The Course Schedule will be developed as the course progresses, and is linked to this web page. The book for the course is Introduction to Graph Theory by Douglas West, second edition. We will cover portions of Chapters one through seven. The selection of material will depend on the background of the students.
There will be regular homework, due Wednesdays. The homework will count for 40% of the grade. Assuming the assignment is turned in on time the first time, students will be able to resubmit solutions to problems they got wrong up to one week after the homework has been returned the first time. Resubmissions must be attached to the original homework paper and clearly marked as resubmissions. Credit recorded on problems submitted for a second time will be 90% of the credit earned, except that students’ homework scores will not be reduced.
There will be two exams, each counting for 15% of the grade, during the term and a final exam counting for 30% of the grade. Each will have a significant take-home component and will probably have a classroom component. The registrar has scheduled the classroom component of the final exam for June 2 at 8:00 AM. After the second exam we will decide whether there will be a classroom component on the final exam.
Students will be on their honor not to discuss their work on an exam with another student until both have turned in their exams. Students will be on their honor to consult no sources other than the instructor and, in the take-home component of the exam, the textbook for the course on exams. Students are encouraged to work together on homework problems. However the draft of the homework that a student turns in should not be shown to another student until both students have turned in their homework for the final time.
Click here for the Course and Homework Schedule.