Math 39: First-order logic
Times: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 1:45-2:50
X-hour: Thursday 1-1:50
Instructor: Jim Baumgartner
There is no text. Much of the course will be based on H. Enderton, "A mathematical introduction to logic".
This book is hard to obtain, and will be superseded by a new edition in December, so it is not required.
It is not easy to give a syllabus, since the content of the course will depend on the students and their interests. We will spend time developing the theory of sentential logic first, then first-order logic, and then the development of some spplications including for example a more modern way of developing the calculus together with some other subjects. There will not be time to cover Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem, although we will cover Gödel's Completeness Theorem.
Homework will be assigned periodically and will be due roughly once a week. There will be a take-home midterm examination and a take-home final examination
The first homework assignment is here. Make
sure you have Adobe Acrobat to read it. If you don't know how to get
it, just ask.
Solutions for the homework due September 29
The second assignment (due Wednesday, October 4) is here.
Here is the fourth assignment, due October 18.
Here is the assignment due Friday, October 27, given in class
Remember, class Friday begins at 9:15 am
This week, there will be a take-home midterm exam given Friday, November 3.
The midterm examination is now available. It will be due at the start of class Wednesday. November 8.
Here is the homework for November 17.
The final exam is here.
Instructor: Jim Baumgartner
Office: 105 Choate House
Office hours: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays 4-5 and other times as well
Honor system for this course: No help is to be given or received on exams. Help is allowed on homework, but each student must write up the homework individually.