Math 3
Introduction to Calculus
Last updated September 6, 2006

General Information Schedule Homework Exam Notes Blackboard

General Information

Textbook Instructors and Lectures Tutors and Study Groups
Homework Quizzes Examinations
Grades Honor Principle Disabilities


Calculus, Fifth Edition
by James Stewart.
Published by Brooks Cole

You should be able to find the textbook at both the Dartmouth bookstore textbook section or at Wheelock books. You may also be able to find it online for a better price (particularly if you can find a good used copy). If you shop online, be sure to get the correct edition.

Instructors and Lectures

Brooke Andersen
E-mail: bma AT dartmouth DOT edu
Office: 211 Kemeny Hall
Office Hours:
M, Tu, W: 3-4; Th: 9-10:30; F: 10-11
and by appointment
François Dorais
Office: 241 Kemeny Hall
Office Hours:
M-F: 12:30-1:30
and by appointment
Geoff Goehle
Office: 245 Kemeny Hall
Office Hours:
M,W:1:40-2:40; Tu,Th,Su:3-4
and by appointment
Allison Henrich
Office: 243 Kemeny Hall
Office Hours:
Tu: 12-1; Th: 12-1; F: 1-3
and by appointment
Dominic Klyve
Office: 212 Kemeny Hall
Office Hours:
M: 11-12; W: 2-3:30; Th: 12-1:30
and by appointment
Paul Pollack
Office:216 Kemeny Hall
Office Hours:
M: 2-3; Tu, Th: 4-5:30
and by appointment
Martin Malandro
E-mail: firstname dot lastname at dartmouth dot edu
Office:214 Kemeny Hall
Office Hours:
M: 3-4; W: 3-4; Th: 2-4
and by appointment
Chris Storm
Office: 239 Kemeny Hall
Office Hours:
M, W: 2-3; F: 10-12
and by appointment

Section 1: Brooke Andersen
MWF 8:45 - 9:50
Kemeny 105
Section 2: Paul Pollack
MWF 8:45-9:50
Kemeny 006
Section 3: Dominic Klyve
MWF 10:00 - 11:05
Kemeny 006
Section 4: Allison Henrich
MWF 11:15-12:20
Kemeny 006
Section 5: Geoff Goehle
MWF 12:30-1:35
Reed 106
Section 6: Chris Storm
MWF 12:30-1:35
Kemeny 006
Section 7: Marty Malandro
MWF 1:45 - 2:50
Bradley 105
Section 8: François Dorais
MWF 1:45-2:50
Kemeny 006

Tutors and Study Groups

There are three graduate student teaching assistants responsible for Math 3. They will hold open tutorial sessions from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings in Kemeny 008. These problem sessions will be open to all 8 sections of Math 3. You are encouraged to work with other students as well as with the TAs.

Graduate Student TAs:
Greg Petrics
Nick Scoville
Enrique Trevino


There are two different types of homework in Math 3. The bulk of the homework will consist of WebWork. For each day of class, a WebWork problem set will be assigned. This problem set is due by 5pm on the day of the next class. The problem set associated with Monday's class is, thus, due by 5pm on Wednesday.

In addition to the daily WebWork assignments, there is one written problem due in class on Fridays*. This problem will be similar to a problem from the WebWork problem sets, so you should have already solved it. You are required to write this problem up as formally as possible. The emphasis is on the process of going from the beginning of a problem to the final solution. If you just submit an answer, this is worth no credit. We will discuss the standards for this problem in class, but there are some things to keep in mind. You may adopt your own style; however, all good problem writeups have several things in common. They always start with givens and things that are known to be true. They then proceed very methodically and neatly through a series of justified statements to eventually arrive at the conclusion. Some students may wish to write complete sentences to justify going from one statement to the next while others will wish to focus more on the math; this choice is up to you so long as exactly what is happening is clear. After reading a problem writeup, the reader should be left with both an understanding of how to solve the problem and the inescapable conclusion that it has been solved correctly. There is only one such problem due a week to allow you to really think about what your final solution looks like. Grading will be done on a scale of 0, 1, or 2 points.

Late homework will NOT be accepted.

* Written problem will be due on Monday Nov. 13 (instead of Friday Nov. 10), and Monday Nov. 20 (instead of Friday Nov. 17) because of Exam, Thanksgiving break conflicts.


There are weekly quizzes in Math 3. Quizzes will be at the start of class on Fridays*. Each week, three of the WebWork problems you have solved will be announced for the quiz. You will then be given, randomly, one of these problems for the quiz. As with the written homework, the grading is more focused on a well written comprehensive solution than on getting the correct answer. Grading will be done on a scale of 0, 1, or 2 points.

If you miss a quiz, it can NOT be retaken. You may arrange to take a quiz early if advance notice is given.

* Quizzes will be on Monday Nov. 13 (instead of Friday Nov. 10), and Monday Nov. 20 (instead of Friday Nov. 17) because of Exam, Thanksgiving break conflicts.


There will be two exams and a final in this course:


The grades in this course will be calculated as follows:

Points Each Total Points Possible
Exams (2) 100 200
Final Exam (1)* 150 150
WeBWork 30
Quizzes and Written Homework 20
Total 400

* The Final Exam will be cumulative, but weighted for most recent material.

Honor Principle

On Exams and Quizzes: No help given or received. All exams and quizzes will be closed book. No calculators or computers are allowed.

On Homework: Working together is permitted and encouraged, but NO COPYING.   You are welcome to work in groups to discuss the ideas and specific problems (also feel free to discuss with your instructors, tutors, and anyone else you may find). However, each student is expected to produce the final written homework set individually and independently. The same rules apply for WebWork problem sets. You may work on the problems with other students and tutors; however, you must submit your final solutions to WebWork yourself. Computing devices are allowed on homework.

Honor Statement: You are required to include and sign an honor statement on all of your assignemnts.
On quizzes and exams: "I have neither given not received help on this exam / quiz, and all of the answers are my own."
On homework: "All the work on this homework is mine. I have written it on my own and in my own words. I have acknowledged in writing anyone with whom I have worked or from whom I have received help."


Students with disabilities who will be taking this course and may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to see the instructor as soon as possible. Also, they should stop by the Academic Skills Center in Collis Center to register for support services.

Religious Observances

We realize that some students may wish to take part in religious observances that fall during this academic term. Should you have a religious observance that conflicts with your participation in the course, please come speak with your instructor before the end of the second week of the term to discuss appropriate accommodations.