Instructor: Meera Mainkar
Weekly Schedule: MWF 10-11.05 am , X-hours Thursday 12-12.50 pm
Classroom: 008 Kemeny Hall
Office hours: MWF 11.25-12.25
Office: 210 Kemeny Hall
Phone No. (603) 646-2293.
Email (preferred):
Textbook: Principles of Calculus Modeling
An Interactive Approach
by Donald L. Kreider, C. Dwight Lahr, and Susan Diesel
This is an online textbook and can be accessed here
Daily Schedule (subject to change) (click here)
Homework Policy
Starting from January 11, homework will be posted every class day here. The homework will be collected the next class day (The first homework will be due on Jan 14). Late submissions will not be accepted for any reason. You may work together on these assignments, but you must write up your answers individually. Clearly indicate the exercise that you are solving by giving the section of the exercise and the exercise number. If you use more than one piece of paper, staple the pages together. Do NOT do your homework with anything except a pencil or a pen (NO MARKERS, COLORED PENCILS, or CRAYONS).
We will have two midterms and a final in this course. These exams are scheduled as follows:
Exam I |
Friday, February 1 |
Silsby |
1.45 – 2.50 pm |
Exam II |
Wed, February 20 |
Silsby |
1.45 –
2.50 pm |
Final |
Monday, March 10 |
008 Kemeny |
3-6 pm |
The course grade will be based on the scores on homework, midterms, and final as follows:
Homework |
50 points |
Midterms |
100 points each |
Final |
200 points |
Total |
450 points |
Tutorial assistance for this course (help with your homework) will be available Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings 7 - 9pm in Kemeny 008. Tutorials will begin on Thursday, January 10. Our tutor is Lola (Lauren) Thompson.
On Exams: No help
given or received. No calculators or computers
are allowed.
On Homework: Collaboration is permitted and encouraged. You can discuss the general idea of the problem(s) with me, fellow students and others. However, each student is expected to complete his or her homework individually and independently.
Any students with disabilities who are taking this course and who may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to see me before the end of the second week of the term. All discussions will remain confidential, although the Student Accessibility Services office may be consulted.