
Instructor: Jan Glaubitz

Class Room: -

Class Times: -

Prerequisites: Math 22 and Math 23

Course Description: This course provides an introduction into the field of Applied Mathematics. In particular, the emphasis is upon mathematical tools to describe and analyze real world phenomena which play a central role, for instance, in the applied and natural sciences. However, the focus will lie ’only’ on models resulting in ordinary differential and integral equations. Still, this course requires you (the student) to already be familiar with basic concepts from ordinary differential equations as well as linear algebra. Finally, to solve the resulting models, this course will only address analytical tools (the ones involving the use of pen and paper) rather than computational tools (the ones involving the use of computers).

Remote Teaching: Due to the recent COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak, Dartmouth has decided that all courses must be held exclusively via remote access in the Spring term of 2020. To achieve this, we will procede as follows in this course:
