Introduction to Mathematical Oncology (Math 47)

Winter 2022

2A: Tues-Thurs 10A: 10:10-12:00 T-Th, X F 3:30-4:20, x-hour Fri 3:30-4:20 as needed

Instructor: Professor Dorothy Wallace

Office: 204 Kemeny

Office hours: T-Th 12:15-1:00 and by appointment

This winter the math department is offering a course in mathematical oncology: the use of mathematical models to study cancer processes (Math 47). This course was offered as part of the discontinued off campus program at Moffitt Cancer Research Center, but this time we will offer it on campus. It will be as hands-on as we can make it and you will need a computer in class with Matlab and possibly other software. There will be a final project, ongoing presentations in class, and class participation expectations but no exams. The prerequisite is linear algebra (Math 22 or 24) but Math 23 is also helpful.

Text: Mathematical Oncology 2013, Editors: d'Onofrio, Alberto, Gandolfi, Alberto (Eds.), ISBN 978-1-4939-0458-7


Week 1 Intro to course. Linear systems of ordinary differential equations (review), with application to the cell cycle. Logistic growth. Model construction: cell cycle with limited growth. Overview of tumor development and other cancers. Kareva models 1 and 2 from the text .

Week 2Kareva models 3,4 and 5 from text, and modeling exercise.

Week 3 Pillis models 1-4 from text.

Week 4 Clairambault models 1-4

Week 5Dyson models 1 and 2, Messan model

Week 6Spatial models

Week 7Preliminary student project presentations

Week 8 Work on final projects

Week 9 Student project presentations

Grading: In both courses the grades will be based on class presentations, class participation (in the form of group work and questions), and a final project of your choosing. These three factors will be weighted equally. The instructors reserve the right to adjust the final grade based on improvement over the course of the quarter.

Attendance: Attendance is required, and we will use the x-hour as needed. Do not schedule other activities during this time.

Text: We will be using various online and other sources besides research papers in your text. These will be distributed as needed.

Honor principle: All authors must contribute substantially to any paper with their names on it. All sources must be appropriately cited. Any suspicion of plagiarism will be forwarded to the COS.

Religious observance: Some students may wish to take part in religious observances that occur during this academic term. If you have a religious observance that conflicts with your participation in the course, please meet with me before the end of the second week of the term to discuss appropriate accommodations.

Students with a diagnosed learning disability are encouraged to discuss with the instructor any appropriate accommodations that might be helpful. All discussions will remain confidential, although the Student Accessibility Services office may be consulted.