Winter 2004 Mathematics 4: Applications of Calculus in Medicine and Biology

General Information

Welcome to Math 4

This winter, Math 4 will be taught by Bisserka Williams and Dorothy Wallace. For a description of this course and links to the web sites and software we use, please click on the "General Information" button to the left. This quarter Math 4 meets during the 10 hour in Bradley 103. Your text is available from the copy center in Thayer dining hall. In addition we will be using resources on the "textbook" page linked to General Information. Students are encouraged to explore this site in advance of the first class. Students should also know that many topics will be developed in class that are not in the text or on the site. Attendance, therefore, is required except in excused cases.
Dartmouth This page was last updated on December 29, 2003 by D. Wallace.