Math 6-Spring 2003

Instructor: Susan D’Agostino

Class meeting time: 11:15-12:20 MWF  x-hour 12-12:50 Tu

Room: Bradley 104


Course description: This class will introduce the student to several topics in finite mathematics including sets and counting, logic, graph theory, matrices and game theory.    A major goal of this class is to give the student an opportunity to gain confidence in talking about mathematics.  We will spend roughly two weeks on each of the five topics. 


Office hours: Monday and Wednesday for an hour after class.


Grader: Sihan Shu


Textbook: Finite Math and Its Applications, 7th Ed., by Goldstein, Schneider and Siegel


Homework: You will be assigned homework on a daily basis.  The homework assignment will be given in class.  Homework is due just before the start of the following class.  NO LATE HOMEWORK IS ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON.  The grader is permitted to give a score of zero on any homework that is not neat or not stapled.  Take pride in your work!   Homework will be graded on a 0-2 scale as follows:

·        0 means major error and/or little to show

·        1 means significant error and/or partially complete

·        2 means substantially complete and correct


Presentations: Friday will be a day devoted to student presentations.  On Monday, the instructor will ask selected students to prepare 10-50 minute presentations for a Friday presentation on a relevant topic.  Material for the presentation may be obtained entirely from the textbook.  The presentations offer an opportunity to gain experience explaining mathematical concepts, using mathematical notation and talking about mathematics.  Presenters are strongly encouraged to use the Tuesday x-hour or other time outside of class to meet to discuss and/or practice their presentations.  It is worth noting here that you cannot be sure that you understand a concept well until you have been able to explain it well.


In addition to the Friday presentations, the last four classes of the term will be devoted to student presentations on game theory.  This last topic is one that will be presented entirely by students.


Class Participation:  Class participation presents another opportunity to gain agility in mathematical conversations.  Students should aim to ask at least one question or make a comment in every class period, and preferably more than one.  For this reason, class attendance is important. 


Final Exam:  More information about the final exam will be given later in the term.  Students should not plan to leave campus before the final exam is given.  Students will be expected to sit for the scheduled final exam. No alternate dates or times will be given.


Out of class time: Students should expect to spend three hours outside of class for every hour spent in class.  Completing homework assignments represents only a fraction of this time.  Preparing presentations, helping other students give effective presentations and reviewing concepts so that you may take an active part in the class discussion are all out-of-class responsibilities.   



Homework: 30%

Presentations: 20%

Class Participation: 20%

Final: 30%


Honor principle: Dartmouth students are expected to adhere to the honor principle.  In this course, that means that while homework and presentations can and should be worked on together, the work you hand in must be your own.  No collaboration will be permitted on the final exam.


Special Needs: Any student with a disability for whom special accommodations would be helpful is encouraged to discuss this with the instructor before the end of the second week of class.