Introduction to Finite Math
Last updated July 18, 2005
This course is an introduction to several topics in finite mathematics, namely, logic, sets and counting, probability, and the mathematics of finance.
A major goal of this class is to illustrate some of the applications of mathematics to the real world. We will spend roughly three weeks on each of the
three topics.
Finite Math and Its Applications (8th edition) by Goldstein, Schneider, and Siegel
(Available at Wheelock Books)
MWF 08:45 - 09:50
x-hour*: Th 09:00-09:50 |
Location: Moore 110 |
* The x-hours will be used as needed.
Alison Setyadi |
Office: 1M Bradley Hall |
Office Hours: Tu 13:00-14:30, Th 14:00-15:30, F 10:00-11:30,
and by appointment |
Email: |
There will be two types of homework assigned in this course. For each day of class, there will be an assignment posted on the homework
page and due the following class period. You may work together on these assignments, but you must write up your answers individually. Clearly indicate the
page and/or problem that you are solving.
You will also need to do a project for each of the main topics of the course (logic, probability, and the mathematics of finance). A description of each of
the projects will be posted on the projects page. You may talk to other people in the class about these, but you must write up your
answers individually and clearly indicate the people with whom you worked.
All homework assignments and projects are due at the start of class on the day they are due. LATE HOMEWORK AND PROJECTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY
REASON. The grader is permitted to give a grade of 0 on any homework that does not have a name or that is not neat and stapled.
The daily homework assignments will be graded on a scale of 0 - 2 as follows:
- 0 means major errors and/or little to show,
- 1 means significant errors and/or partially complete, and
- 2 means substantially complete and correct.
The projects will be graded on a scale of 0 - 10 based on completeness, clarity, and accuracy.
There is a memo due by 08:45 every Monday (including July 4). The purpose of these memos is to help both you and the instructor keep
track of your progress in the course. Submit each memo by email, and do NOT attach your memo to the email; write it in the body of the email itself. Among
the things your memos could address are the following:
- your feelings about the pace of the class (too slow, too fast, just right),
- how comfortable (or uncomfortable) you feel about the material covered during the past week,
- how an exam went (too hard/too easy, how you think you did, whether your performance accurately reflects your knowledge of the material, etc.),
- other concerns that you may have.
In your first memo (due on June 27), introduce yourself. Indicate why you are talking this class, what your major is (or if you don't have one, some possibilities
for a major),
what some of your hobbies are, what your background is, and anything else you think your instructor should know about you.
You may wait to submit your last memo until you have finished with the final if you want to include your comments on the class as a whole and on the final
itself. The last memo of the term is due by 17:00 (5:00 pm) on Monday, August 29.
There will be one exam and a final scheduled as follows:
Exam |
Wednesday, July 27 |
08:45-09:50 |
Moore 110 |
Final |
Monday, August 29 |
08:00 - 11:00 |
The course grade will be based on the scores on homework, exam, projects, final, and memos as follows:
number |
points each |
total points possible |
Daily Homework |
24 |
2 |
48 |
Exams |
1 |
50 |
50 |
Projects |
3 |
10 |
30 |
Memos |
10 |
2 |
20 |
Final |
1 |
100 |
100 |
Total |
248 |
Collaboration on homework is permitted and encouraged, but it is a violation of the honor code for someone to provide the answers for you. In other words, you
should feel free to talk to other students while thinking about a problem, but you should write up your solutions independently. You are also on your honor not
to talk to another student about an exam or final until both you and the other student have handed in the exam or final.
Students with disabilities who will be taking this course and may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to see
the instructor as soon as possible. They should also stop by the Academic Skills Center in Collis Center
to register for support services.