Course schedule | Homework and Handouts |
Course summary |
This is a course in finite mathematics, meaning the study of discrete mathematical objects. Our emphasis in this course will be on the fundamental mathematical techniques that feature in any such study, and our approach to the subject will be driven by the desire to solve interesting problems.
Topics to be covered include
Textbook |
This book is required, and you are responsible for reading the sections indicated on the course schedule for each day.
As of Monday, June 18, it is in stock at both the Dartmouth bookstore and Wheelock Books. It will be used extensively as a source of both readings and exercises. Other source materials will be posted at this website or handed out in class.
Instructor and Lectures |
Lectures are MWF during the 10 hour (10 AM - 11:05 AM) in Kemeny 105.
The X-hour is Thursday, 12-12:50. We will use the X-hours only in emergency circumstances.
Paul Pollack E-mail: |
Office: 216 Kemeny Hall |
Office Hours:
Wed, Fri: 2-4 PM and by appointment |
This will be a small class. As such, it is reasonable for our sessions to be fairly conversational and to some extent personalized. One of my goals is to try to make the material seem as natural as possible by encouraging you to aid in the process of discovery; it is expected that you facilitate this by coming to class prepared to contribute ideas.
I will be away on Friday, July 20 and Monday, July 23. The current plan is for these classes to be guest-taught while I am away, but if this does not work out we will make up the classes during X-hour (to be scheduled if the need arises).
Homework |
Exercises are assigned during each class, and are due at the start of class the following Monday (beginning July 2). Exercises will either be assigned from the assigned textbook or posted online. In the latter case I will announce this in class (or, if I forgot, send out a class e-mail).
Late homework will NOT be accepted without prior permission of the instructor. However, if you do not turn in an assignment, you should still feel free to ask me about it later to make sure you understand the concepts.
Quizzes & Exams |
There are two hour-long in-class quizzes during the quarter and a final exam.
Quiz #1: Monday, July 16
Quiz #2: Friday, August 3
Final exam: TBA
Grading |
Homework will make up 40% of your grade.
Each quiz will make up 15%.
The final exam will count for the remaining 25% of your grade.
Participation is 5%.
Honor Code |
On exams and quizzes no help can be either given or received.
On homework, students should feel free to discuss the problems and to work together in solving them. However, everything turned in must be the work of the individual student; in other words, no one can write up your assignment in your place, nor can you merely copy someone else's completed assignment. If you have any questions as to what is or is not acceptable within the honor code, please e-mail me. Honor code violations are taken seriously, and any suspected breach must be brought before the Committee on Standards.
Other |
Students with disabilities who may require special accomodations should speak to me as soon as possible. It is also advisable to stop by the Academic Skills Center in Collis to register for support services.
Also, students who have schedule conflicts with the course due to religious observances should make arrangements with me as soon as possible (before the second week of class).