Math 71: Abstract Algebra
Fall 2000
MWF, 10:00 - 11:05 (X-Hour: Thursday 12:00-12:50)
150 Moore |
Jeffrey Strom
Office: 411 Bradley Hall
Phone: 646 - 2960
or BlitzMail (preferred) |
Abstract Algebra(Second Revised Edition) by David S. Dummit and
Richard M. Foote
There will be 1 midterm exam and a cumulative final exam. The exams
will be take-home
exams. You may not consult with anyone but me on either part of an
exam. You will be able
to use your book and notes on the exams unless it explicitly says otherwise.
Tentative dates
for the midterm exams are as follows.
Midterm Exam |
???? |
Final Exam |
????? |
We will work out a schedule for the exams during the first week of class.
The final exam
period goes from December 2 through December, so If you must make travel
plans before
the exam date is set, do not make plans to leave Hanover before December
7. Exams will not
be given early to accommodate travel plans.
Homework Policy
There will be homework assignments due each day. You may (you are encouraged
to) work together on the homework assignments. However, the work you turn
in should be your own. This means that after whatever
discussions you have about the problems, you should write up your own
solutions in your own words. If you work with someone else from the class,
please list their names at the top of your assignment.
The exams, homework, and final exam all count equally toward your grade.
The Honor Principle
See above under Homework and Exams
I encourage students with disabilities (of any kind; including ``invisible''
disabilities like chronic diseases,
learning disabilities, or psychiatric disabilities) to discuss with
me after class or during my office hours
appropriate accomodations that might be helpful. Students with
disabilities who will be taking this course
and may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged
to make an appointment to see
their instructor as soon as possible. Also, they should stop
by the Academic Skills Center in Collis Center to register for support
(Last Modified September 17, 2000)