Math 8, Calculus of Functions of One and Several Variables (Spring 2009)
Midterm 1 (answers) , Midterm 2 (answers)
What will you be able to do
after completing (successfully)
this course: You might be familiar with an integration/anti-derivative
and how to solve a given integral
by substitution. You will learn to integrate more complicated functions
like product of two functions, combination of trig functions etc. You will
learn some new concepts called
“sequences’’ and “series’’ (which is
essentially adding infinitely many terms).
You will learn methods/tests to answer “ when do you get a
finite number after adding given infinitely many terms?”. I am sure you will love this part. We will spend some time to learn
some geometry e.g. how to write an equation of a line, plane etc. At the end
you will be able to know how to differentiate a function of two/three
variables. In this topic you will study partial derivatives, directional
derivatives and some applications (computing minima and maxima of a given
Welcome to Math8!
Instructor and General Information
Meera Mainkar
Office: 210 Kemeny Hall
Office hours: Mondays, Wednesdays 3:30-5 pm,
and by appointments
Phone: 646-2293
or BlitzMail
- Textbook: Calculus
(6th edition) by James Stewart
(Available at Wheelock Books)
- It is each student's
responsibility to be aware of academic
deadlines as enforced by the Registrar.
- Students with learning,
physical, or psychiatric disabilities enrolled in this course who may need
disability-related accommodations are encouraged to meet with your
instructor before the end of the second week of the term. All discussions
will remain confidential, although the Student
Accessibility Services office may be consulted.
- On Exams: No help given or
received. No calculators or computers are allowed.
- On Homework: Collaboration is
permitted and encouraged -- a discussion of the general idea of the
problem(s) with instructors, tutors, fellow students and others is
desirable. However, each student is expected to complete his or her
assignments individually and independently. Computing devices are
allowed on homework
MWF 11:15 –
(x hour Tuesday 12 – 12:50)
006 Kemeny Hall
- Do not use computers during
the classes.
- X-hour will be used only if
needed to replace a class.
- There will be two midterm
examinations and a final examination. These exams are scheduled as
Exam I
April 20
Kemeny 008
5:00 -- 7:00 pm
Exam II
May 6
Kemeny 008
5:00 -- 7:00 pm
Final Exam
June 6
Location TBA
8:00-11:00 am
- If you have a legitimate conflict
with these exam dates and times, please contact your instructor as soon as
possible. Please do not wait until shortly before the exam.
- Homework sets will be
assigned for each class and will normally be in two parts (see the course
assignment webpage). The part to be submitted is due before the
beginning of the next class period. The second part is not to be turned
in, but some complete solutions are available via the web (see below).
- The graded portion of each
homework assignments will be submitted via the web using WeBWorK.
If you do not receive an e-mail assigning you a login name and password
for WeBWorK, then you should contact your instructor via e-mail as soon as
- Please note that WeBWorK
will not accept assignments past the closing date. Typically,
assignments for Monday lectures will close Wednesday afternoon,
assignments for Wednesday lectures will close Friday afternoon and
assignments for the Friday lectures will close Monday afternoon. There
will be appropriate adjustments for holidays.
- The second part of the
assignment will consist mostly of odd numbered problems from the text. You
can login to (using the
password supplied in lecture) to see complete solutions of many of these
problems. Note that hotmath currently only has 5th edition answers
available. Many of these correspond to sixth edition problems; we have
provided a
translation page for the practice problems.
- Tutorial assistance
for this course - that is, help with your homework - will be available
Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings 7 - 9pm, in Kemeny 105. Tutorials
will begin on Tuesday, March 31 and run through Thursday, June 4 . Our
tutors are Patricia Cahn
and Katie Kinnaird.
- Also note that the Tutor Clearinghouse
may have private one-on-one tutors available for Math 8. The tutors are
students who have taken the course and have done well in it, and are
trained by the Academic
Skills Center.
If a student receives financial aid, the College will pay for three hours
of tutoring per week. If you would like to have a tutor, please click here
for more information.
- The course grade will be based
upon your total score on the two midterm exams, the final exam and the
homework assignments for the course.
Midterm Exams
100 each
Final Exam
Webwork Homework