Math 8
Calculus of One and Several Variables
Spring 2014

General Info | Day-to-day


General course information

Important Message!
Please See our Canvas page at: Canvas The info here is up to date for the moment but is not guaranteed to be current as the course progresses.

Calculus, Seventh edition, by James Stewart

Instructors and Office Hours
Emma Jean Chiappetta -
Office hours: Monday 8:30-10:00 AM, Wednesday 11:05 AM-12:30 PM, Friday 11:05AM-12:30 PM in Kemeny 214. You may also schedule an appointment.
Lin Zhao - Office hours:

Lecture Time and Location
Chiappetta Section, MWF 10:00-11:05, Kemeny Hall, room 008
x-hour: Thursday 12:00-12:50, room TBA
Zhao Section, MWF 11:15-12:20, Kemeny Hall, room 008
x-hour: Tuesday 12:00-12:50, room TBA

Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday from 7-9pm, in Haldeman 028.

The TA for math 8 this Spring is Everett Sullivan,a graduate student in the department of mathematics at Dartmouth. Tutorial gives you the opportunity to ask questions, work together, or maybe just set aside some time that is strictly for thinking about calculus.

Homework will consist of both Webwork and written assignments. Webwork will be assigned after each class. Written homework will be assigned on Mondays and due the following Monday IN CLASS. Please place your assignments in the appropriate box.

Late assignments will NOT be accepted under any circumstance. Any late homework will receive a zero. However, the lowest homework grade will be dropped.

You are encouraged to work together on assignments. Talking about mathematics is one of the best ways to learn it! If you choose to work with others, each student must write up his or her own solutions. At the top of each assignment, please note the names of those students you worked with.

See the day-to-day tab for the daily homework and the weekly assignments.

There are three exams scheduled: two midterms and one final. The exams will take place outside of class. The dates are listed below. Rooms will be assigned closer to exam day.

Midterm exam I: TBA.
Midterm exam II: TBA.
Final exam:TBA.

In addition, a quiz will be given every week during the X hour. Quizzes will be brief, consisting of only a few problems. These quizzes are meant to provide more feedback for you on your handle of the material.

Class Participation
Class participation will be expected. The basis of your class participation grade will be made clear by the professor of your section. It may include: attendance, participation in groupwork, mini-projects, reading quizzes etc.

Grades will be awarded as follows:
Written Homework: 15%; Webwork: 5%; Quizzes: 15%; Class Participation: 5%; Exams: 60 %
The distribution of exam grades will be calculated according to either Option A or Option B, below. Whichever option yields a higher grade for you will be the option awarded.
Option A: Midterm 1: 15%; Midterm 2: 15%; Final: 30%
Option B: Midterm 1: 20%; Midterm 2: 20%; Final: 20%

Honor principle

As mentioned above, collaboration on homework assignments is encouraged. However, you must write up your answers individually. If you are part of a group of students that produces an answer to a problem, you cannot all turn in the same write-up. It is good practice to put things into your own words and this is what is expected of you. Please also list the members of your group at the top of each written assignment.
Collaboration on exams of any kind is not permitted.

Special considerations
If you have a disability of any sort and may need need disability-related classroom or exam accommodations, please make an appointment to see your instructor as soon as possible. All conversations will remain confidential, although we may consult the Student Accessibility Services Office. You can stop by the Accessibility Services Office in Collis Center to register for support services.

Religious Observances
Some students may wish to take part in religious observances that occur during this academic term. If you have a religious observance that conflicts with your participation in the course, please meet with your instructor before the end of the second week of the term to discuss appropriate accommodations.