Math 8, Calculus of Functions of One and Several Variables (Winter 2009)
- The final exam will take place on March 16 from 3:00 to 6:00 pm in Filene Auditorium in Moore Hall. The exam will not be given earlier to accomodate travel plans. For anyone who has a legitimate reason for not taking the exam at the assigned time, the exam will be given after the assigned time.
- The final exam will be cumulative. That is, approximately half the exam will cover material from before the second midterm and half from after the second midterm. Professor Arkowitz will be glad to meet with students from either section individually or in small groups to answer questions and go over problems. Just send an e-mail to him giving several days and times that you are available to meet.
- Study materials for the final midterm:
Vince will be discussing the solutions to the above review problems in review sessions on Wednesday and Friday:
- Wednesday, March 11 in Carson Hall Room L02, from 3:00-4:30pm (we will discuss the even numbered problems)
- Friday, March 13 in Kemeny Hall Room 007, from 3:00-4:30pm (we will discuss the odd numbered problems from 3 on)
General Information
There will be two midterm examinations and a final examination. These exams are scheduled as follows:
If you have a legitimate conflict with these exam dates and times, please contact your instructor as soon as possible. Please do not wait until shortly before the exam.
Students are warned that the material in Math 8 (and the order in which it is covered) changes from term to term, and different instructors have different expectations of their students. With this provision, the following past exams are provided for studying purposes:
Calculus (6th edition) by James Stewart
(Available at Wheelock Books)
It is each student's responsibility to be aware of academic deadlines as stated by the Registrar.
Section 1 (Arkowitz) |
MWF 12:30-1:35 (x-hour Tues 1:00-1:50) |
008 Kemeny
Section 2 (Vatter) |
MWF 1:45-2:50 (x-hour Thurs 1:00-1:50) |
007 Kemeny |
The x-hour may be used occasionally and you will be informed in advance as to when it will be used.
Martino Arkowitz |
Vince Vatter
Office: 207 Kemeny Hall
Office: 314 Kemeny Hall
Office hours: Monday, 11:15-12:30, Thursday, 1:30-3:00 and by appointment
Office hours: Wednesday 4:00-5:00, Thursday 1:00-2:00, and by appointment
Phone: 646-2419 or BlitzMail (preferred) |
Phone: 646-3507 or BlitzMail (preferred)
- Homework sets will be assigned for each class and will normally be in two parts. The part to be submitted is due before the beginning of the next class period. The second part is not to be turned in, but some complete solutions are available via the web (see below).
- The graded portion of each homework assignments will be submitted via the web using WeBWork. If you do not receive an e-mail assigning you a login name and password for WeBWork, then you should contact your instructor via e-mail as soon as possible: or
- Please note that WeBWork will not accept assignments past the closing date. Typically, assignments for Monday lectures will close at 1:00pm on Wednesday, assignments for Wednesday lectures will close at 1:00pm on Friday and assignments for the Friday lectures will close at at 1:00pm on Monday. There will be appropriate adjustments for holidays and x-hours.
- More details are posted on the course assignment webpage (Homework Assignments).
- The second part of the assignment will consist mostly of odd numbered problems from the text. You can login to (using the password supplied in lecture) to see complete solutions of many of these problems.
- The course grade will be based upon your total score on the two midterm exams, the final exam and the homework assignments for the course.
Midterm Exams |
100 each |
Final Exam |
200 |
Webwork Homework
Total |
450 |
- On Exams: No help given or received. No calculators or computers are allowed.
- On Homework: Collaboration is permitted and encouraged -- a discussion of the general idea of the problem(s) with instructors, tutors, fellow students and others is desirable. However, each student is expected to complete his or her assignments individually and independently. Computing devices are allowed on homework.
- Tutorial assistance for this course; that is, help with your homework, will be available in Kemeny Hall, Room 008, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings 7 -- 9pm. Tutorials will begin on Tuesday, January 6. Our tutors are Benjamin Linowitz and Lola (Lauren) Thompson. You may contact them directly by e-mail.
- Also note that the Tutor Clearinghouse may have private one-on-one tutors available for Math 8. The tutors are students who have taken the course and have done well in it, and are trained by the Academic Skills Center. If a student receives financial aid, the College will pay for three hours of tutoring per week. If you would like to have a tutor, please click here for more information.
- A study group is a small group of students who meet together regularly once a week with the aid of a trained leader to discuss concepts, confusions and insights into course material. The main role of the study group is to help students organize their thoughts, test their understanding by asking and answering questions, learn how to approach the material and understand the basic concepts involved.
Each group is unique, contains students with different backgrounds and abilities, and determines its own pace and the material that will be covered.
- Sign-ups for study groups will take place on
Thursday, January 15, from 12 noon to 4 pm and on
Friday, January 16, from 8 am to 4 pm.
Sign-ups will take place at the Academic Skills Center, 301 Collis.
The cost is $30/term, but for
students receiving financial aid from Dartmouth, the cost is $10/term.
- Students with learning, physical, or psychiatric disabilities enrolled in this course who may need disability-related accommodations are encouraged to meet with your instructor before the end of the second week of the term. All discussions will remain confidential, although the Student Accessibility Services office may be consulted.