Welcome to Math 8
This is Math 8: Caluculus of one and several variables.Here are some helpful tips for success in Math 8 and beyond.
Rubinstein-Salzedo (11 hour) |
Gillman (2 hour) |
Office: 311 Kemeny Hall | Office: 210 Kemeny Hall |
Office hours: T 4-5:30, F 9-10:30 and by appointment | Office hours: MW 3:00-4:30 and by appointment |
Phone: or email (preferred) |
Phone: 646-2293 or email (preferred) |
Note that you do not need an appointment to attend regularly-scheduled office hours. If you have a conflict you may make an appointment to meet outside those times.
Textbook: Calculus, 7th Edition, by James Stewart (Brooks-Cole). Wheelock Books has the standard student edition, without online access. Through the Cengage website you may also
purchase the book with online access, get it in eBook
form or get a hybrid,
which is a physical text containing only the explanations and examples,
with access to online exercises. You do not need online access for
required class assignments.
The Math 8 material is contained in chapters 7,
11, 12, 13, and 14
(which correspond to 8 and 12-15 in the 6th edition of Stewart).
Students with disabilitieswho will be taking this course and may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to see their instructor as soon as possible. Also, they should stop by the Academic Skills Center in Collis Center to register for support services.
For your convenience, here is the term calendar as set by the registrar, with deadlines for schedule adjustment and other significant dates.
On Exams: No assistance may be given or received except that you may ask the instructor for clarification of a problem. In particular, no calculators or computing devices may be used.
On Homework: You are permitted and encouraged to collaborate with other students on the homework. However, after discussing the problems, you should each write up the final solutions in your own words. You may use calculators and approved software. Additionally, you may consult your class notes and text. It is a violation of the honor code for someone to provide the answers for you.
Lectures will be held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with x-hour used only if needed to replace a class.
11 (Rubinstein-Salzedo) | 2(Gillman) |
11:15-12:20 X-hour Tu 12:00-12:50 |
1:45-2:50 X-hour Th 1:00-1:50 |
Kemeny 008 |
Kemeny 006 |
There are three scheduled exams, two midterms, held outside of class time, and the final exam.
Midterm 1 | Midterm 2 | Final Exam |
Tuesday, January 29 5:00-7:00 pm |
Thursday, February 21 5:30-7:30 pm |
Tuesday, March 12 3:00-6:00 pm |
Silsby Room 028 | Silsby Room 028 | Wilder 104 |
There will be two forms of homework: web based and handwritten. Both
assignments are due on Fridays.
The handwritten homework
will consist of approximately 3 problems per week and will be due at
beginning of class.
The web based homework is online through the free system WeBWorK. You will receive an email with your login information once the system has been set up; it will direct you to the login page for Math 8. For help see the WeBWorK FAQ and the list of functions available in WeBWorK. Login names and passwords in WeBWorK are case-sensitive.
Note that WeBWorK requires precise syntax. You have unlimited tries on each problem, so if you are certain you have done the problem correctly, check your parentheses and other syntax, and keep numbers inside square roots and other operations instead of using rounded-off decimal answers. One common difficulty is viewing the mathematical symbols, which are embedded images; this is a browser incompatibility problem, but may be fixed by changing your display options on the left side of the screen from "images" to "formattedText" (and if that doesn't work, to "plainText").
Tutorials are an additional resource for you to get help with the course. Similarly to office hours, they are times set aside for you to come for assistance with material. We have one teaching assistant, Jacob Richey.
Tutorials: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 7:00-9:00 PM
except nights of midterms Locations: Kemeny 007 |
Tutorials begin Tuesday, January 8 and end Thursday, March 7 |
Finally, through the Academic Skills Center you may join a study group or obtain a private tutor.
Grades will be assigned based on homework and exams as follows.
Component | Percentage |
Midterm 1 | 25 |
Midterm 2 | 25 |
Homework | 10 |
Webwork | 10 |
Final Exam | 30 |
Total | 100 |