Course Information

Reading Assignments

Project Sources



MATH 98 - SPRING 1999

Instructor: Dr. Jennifer Taggart
Office: 103 Choate House
Phone: 6-2293

Seminar: TTh 2:00-3:50, 104 Bradley
Office Hours: TTh 1:00-1:50, or by appointment
Text: Journey Through Genius, by William Dunham

The Course: In this course, we will discuss several significant theorems, concentrating on their place in the history of mathematics, the biographies of those responsible for some of the major contributions to their proofs, and the proofs themselves.

Grades: Grades for the course will be determined as follows:
Class Discussion - 20%
Journal - 10%
Term Project - 70%

Class Discussion: Attendance and participation during class will be important parts of this course. You should be prepared to discuss all assigned readings. Please contact your instructor to discuss all absences.

Journal: You will be expected to keep a journal containing notes on the readings. Entries should include comments on aspects of the reading you find particularly interesting, questions to discuss in class, and ideas for possible project topics.

Term Project: The term project will consist of equally weighted written and oral components. Topics may include a specific mathematical result, person, group of people, or time period that is of some interst to you. The written component will be a 10-20 page paper, due by noon on Monday, June 7. The oral component will be a 45-60 minute presentation given during class. Presentations will begin during the first or second week of May. Check here for possible sources.

Honor Prinicple: Students should prepare and submit their own work and acknowledge all sources. Further, it is a violation of the Academic Honor Principle to submit the same work in more than one course without the approval of each professor.

Disabilities: Students with disabilities who will be taking this course and may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to see their instructor as soon as possible. Also, they should stop by the Academic Skills Center in Collis Center to register for support services.

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