Math 9 (Calculus) - Fall 2000

FINAL EXAM NEWS: The final is on Monday, December 4, from 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. in Filene auditorium. The format is just like the other exams: no notes, no books, no calculators.

Tutorials: Rudel will be holding office hours from 2-4 P.M. Thursday in his office (Bradley 1-A (in the basement)) and by appointment over the weekend (note: no office hours Friday). Email him to set up a time. Further, there will be an official tutorial on Sunday night at the usual time and place (7-9 in Wilder 104).

Practice Exam: There is a list of practice problems on top of the homework boxes in Bradley. This disclaimer still applies. The last eight problems on the list are actually last year's math 9 final exam. The syllabus last year was similar, but there was more emphasis on some topics and less on others. For that reason, this final wouldn't be completely appropriate as a final for this term, but it's not too far off. By Thursday afternoon (hopefully) there will also be a sheet containing solutions/answers/hints to the practice problems. If you find any typos or errors on either the practice problems themselves or the solutions (regrettably, the haste with which they were written up makes this a distinct possibility), let me know and I'll post a list of corrections here.

Calendar and homework assignments

Other miscellaneous stuff

Dartmouth math department web page

Instructors (click on your instructor's name for information specific to your course):

Text: Calculus, (Fourth Edition), by James Stewart

Maple: We will be using the software package Maple from time to time. If you are not familiar with Maple, one or more of these pages should help get you started:

Tutorials: Tuesday and Sunday nights from 7:00-9:00 in Wilder 104 and Thursday nights from 5:00-7:00 in Bradley 101.

Grade: Your grade will be determined as follows:

Category                 Weight         
homework                  15%            
2 mid-term exams          25% each      
final exam                35%                                                  

Exams: There will be two midterm exams and a final. The date and time is not yet set for any of the exams. Expect the first mid-term around October 12, and the second sometime in mid-November. Note that these are very rough estimates.
UPDATE: The first midterm has now come and gone. For reference here is the practice exam that went with the first midterm.
FINAL EXAM UPDATE: The date and time of the final is now official: Monday, December 4, from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. The room has not been set yet. Remember, plane reservations are not a sufficient reason to take the final early.

Makeup policy: Homework will be assigned (almost) every class period, and will be due at the next class meeting. No late homework will be accepted for any reason, but your three lowest homework scores will be dropped before computing your grade. Thus you may miss up to three homework assignments without penalty.

Makeup tests will only be given in case of legitimate emergencies.

Honor policy: Collaboration is encouraged during the process of thinking about homework problems, but is not acceptable while writing up your final solutions. That is, working together on homework is fine, but copying is not.

No collaboration of any form is acceptable during exams.

Students with disabilities: Any student with a documented disability needing academic adjustments or accommodations is requested to speak with the professor by the end of the second week of the term. All discussions will remain confidential, although the Academic Skills Center may be consulted to verify the documentation of the disability.