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This volume is part of the monograph series of the New Liberal Arts Program (1980-1992), a project of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The NLA Program had the goal of assisting in the introduction of quantitative reasoning and concepts of modern technology within liberal education. The Program was based on the conviction that college graduates should have been introduced to both areas if they are to live in the social mainstream and participate in the resolution of policy issues. The Center for Mathematics and Quantitative Education is delighted to make these monographs available.



Edited by John G. Truxal
SUNY at Stony Brook

Over the past six years, each issue of NLA News has included an example used in teaching quantitative reasoning to college students with majors ranging over the academic disciplines. From this material, we have collected a group of 28 mini-case studies which have proved useful in introductory college courses on problem-solving and quantitative methods.

Each small piece in this collection provides interesting background material for a quantitative exercise that must be designed by the user.