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Captioning your graphs

Finally, graphs can be captioned (with descriptive captions or as part of a multiple choice problem) in the following manner. Suppose that @graphs is an array of four graph objects. We could write:

## Make an array of graph paths corresponding to the graph objects.
@graph_paths = ();
for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++)
     $graph_path[$i] = insertGraph($graphs[$i]);

## Make an array of captions for the graphs
@captions = (``Graph 1'', ``Graph 2'', ``Graph 3'', ``Graph 4'');

## To display the graphs in a row with their captions
## The ~~ escapes the @ sign
TEXT(imageRow(~~@graph_path, ~~@captions));

Thomas R. Shemanske 2002-03-05