Math 6
Introduction to Finite Mathematics
Last updated June 18, 2008 2:35:00 EDT

General Information Syllabus HW Assignments

General Information

The Textbook Scheduled Lectures Instructors
Examinations Homework Policy Grades
Honor Principle   Disabilities


A Beginner's Guide to Finite Mathematics by W.D. Wallis
(Available at Wheelock Books)
This is the required textbook for the course. It will be used extensively as a source of both readings and exercises. Other source materials will be made available as needed. More detailed information is available on the Assignments page and on the syllabus.

Scheduled Lectures

Section 1
MWF 10:00 am - 11:05 am
(x-hour) Th 12 noon - 12:50 pm
Kemeny 108


Mits Kobayashi
Office: 219 Kemeny Hall
Office Hours:
Tu 11 am - 1 pm,
Th 12 noon - 2 pm,
and by appointment.
Phone: 646 - 9807 or BlitzMail (preferred)


There will be weekly quizzes, two midterms, and a final examination. The exams are scheduled as follows:

Midterm Exam I Friday, July 11, 2008 10:00 am - 11:05 am
Midterm Exam II Friday, August 1, 2008 10:00 am - 11:05 am
Final Exam Sunday, August 24, 2008 11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Homework Policy


The course grade will be based upon in-class participation and the scores on the quizzes, the homework, and exams as follows:

Participation Approx. 80 points
Quizzes Approx. seven quizzes, 10 points each
Homework Approx. 25 assignments, 5 points each
Midterm Exams 50 points each
Final Exam 100 points
Total Approx. 475 points

The Honor Principle

On Quizzes and Exams: No help given or received.

On Homework: Collaboration on homework is permitted and encouraged, but it is a violation of the honor code for someone to provide the answers for you. Each student is required to write up their homework individually and list who they collaborated with.


Students with learning, physical, or psychiatric disabilities enrolled in this course who may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to see me before the end of the second week of the term. All discussions will remain confidential, although the Student Accessibility Services office may be consulted to discuss appropriate implementation of any accommodation requested. At such a meeting please provide me with a copy of a completed "Accommodations/Consent" form, which lists the accommodations recommended for the student by Student Accessibility Services ( If you do not have such a form, please visit the Student Accessibility Services office at Collis 301.

Mits Kobayashi