Publications and preprints

  1. Zhou, B. “A note on the equivalence between various mixing scales.” [ArXiv]
  2. Xia, Q., and Zhou, B. “The existence of minimizers for an isoperimetric problem with Wasserstein penalty term in unbounded domains.” Advances in Calculus of Variations (2021). [Paper] [ArXiv]
  3. Zhou, B. “From optimal transport to optimal mixing flows and vice versa.” Dissertation. [ProQuest]
  4. Zhou, B., and Parno, M. “Efficent and exact multimariginal optimal transport with pairwise costs.” Submitted. [ArXiv]

Work in preparation

  1. Zhou, B. “Revisit Bressan’s mixing conjecture in 1D via matrix functions.”
  2. Gelb, A., Lee, Y., Lindbloom, J., and Zhou, B. “A stochastic proximal gradient algorithm to speckled SAR images.”


  1. Parno, M., and Zhou, B. “MMOT2D python package.” [GitHub]
Last updated: 2022-Oct-30