Ina Petkova
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Dartmouth College

I work in low-dimensional topology, with focus on Heegaard Floer homology and its various generalizations.

Khovanov homology and Lagrangian cobordisms (with G. Martin and Z. Winkeler)

A Legendrian knot atlas for knots of arc index 10 (with N. Schwartz)

Spectral GRID invariants and Lagrangian cobordisms (with M. Jubeir, N. Schwartz, Z. Winkeler, and C.-M. M. Wong)

Bordered Floer homology with integral coefficients for manifolds with torus boundary (with D. Knowles)

A friendly introduction to the bordered contact invariant (with A. Alishahi, J. Licata, and V. Vértesi) The Open Book Series, Vol.5, No.1, 1-30, 2022. arXiv version

Bordered Floer homology and contact structures (with A. Alishahi, V. Földvári, K. Hendricks, J. Licata, and V. Vértesi) Forum of Mathematics, Sigma. 2023;11:e30. arXiv version

Twisted Mazur pattern satellite knots and bordered Floer theory (with B. Wong), Michigan Math. J. Advance Publication 1-50, 2021. arXiv version

An absolute Z/2 grading on bordered Heegaard Floer homology, New York Journal of Mathematics, Vol.28, 90--116, 2022. arXiv version

Khovanov homology and causality in spacetimes (with V. Chernov and G. Martin), Journal of Mathematical Physics, Vol.61, no.2, 2020. arXiv version

Skein relations in tangle Floer homology (with M. Wong), Quantum Topology, Vol.11, no.1, 119-225, 2020. arXiv version

Quantum gl(1|1) and tangle Floer homology (with A. Ellis and V. Vértesi), Advances in Mathematics, Vol.350, 130-189, 2019. arXiv version

The decategorification of bordered Heegaard Floer homology, Journal of Symplectic Geometry, Vol.16, no.1, 227-277, 2018. arXiv version

A self-pairing theorem for tangle Floer homology (with V. Vértesi), Algebraic & Geometric Topology, Vol.16, no.4, 2016.

Combinatorial tangle Floer homology (with V. Vértesi), Geometry & Topology, Vol.20, no.6, 3219-3332, 2016. arXiv version

An introduction to tangle Floer homology (with V. Vértesi), Proceedings of the Gökova Geometry-Topology Conference 2015, 168-186. arXiv version

Cables of thin knots and bordered Heegaard Floer homology, Quantum Topology, Vol.4, no.4, 377-409, 2013. arXiv version