Math 113 Spring 2024
My Complex Analysis Course
Last updated March 19, 2024 11:54:54 EDT

General Information HW Assignments Canvas Page

General Information

Textbook and Syllabus Scheduled Lectures Instructors
Examinations Homework Policy Grades
Honor Principle Special Considerations

Textbook and Syllabus

This course is represents my personal journey of first learning and then teaching basic complex analysis for complex-valued functions of a single complex variable. This prompted me to start writing the book "I wish I had had when I started teaching the subject". We will be using a very preliminary version of that book, cleverly called My Complex Analysis Course. You should download a copy from our canvas page. (If you do not have access to our canvas page, but still wish to participate in the course, you can email me for a copy with the understanding that you will not share the text outside of this course.)

I have placed some of the standard texts on reserve such as Rudin's Real and Complex Analysis, Ahlfors's Complex Analysis, and Functions of one complex variable by Conway. We will refer to Advanced Calculus by Folland for what we are pretending we know about multivariable calculus. If we choose to prove the Picard Theorems, then we will follow Complex Analysis: the Geometric Viewpoint by Krantz.

Scheduled Lectures

MWF 12:50 to 1:55
(x-hour) Tu 1:20-2:10
Kemeny 307

We will meet in our x-hour only to make up missed lectures or other unusal situations. This will always be announced well ahead of time.


Professor Dana P. Williams
Office: 305 Kemeny Hall
Office Hours: here
Contact via


There will be no exams.

Homework Policy

There will be written homework assignments every week or two. Homework assignments can be found under the "HW Assignments" tab above. Your homework solutions should be scanned to PDF and uploaded via gradescope. Please be sure to link each problem to the appropriate page or pages as this makes my grading job much easier. It is likely that not all problems will be graded, but homework solutions will be available to all problems.


Your grade will be based on the homework.

The Honor Principle

Collaboration on homework is permitted and encouraged, but obviously it is a violation of the honor code for someone to provide the answers for you. You are expected to write up your own solutions and acknowledge any help you received.

Special Considerations


Students requesting disability-related accommodations and services for this course are required to register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS; Apply for Services webpage;; 1-603-646-9900) and to request that an accommodation email be sent to me in advance of the need for an accommodation. Then, students should schedule a follow-up meeting with me to determine relevant details such as what role SAS or its Testing Center may play in accommodation implementation. This process works best for everyone when completed as early in the quarter as possible. If students have questions about whether they are eligible for accommodations or have concerns about the implementation of their accommodations, they should contact the SAS office. All inquiries and discussions will remain confidential.

Stress and Mental Well-Being

The academic environment at Dartmouth is challenging, our terms are intensive, and classes are not the only demanding part of your life. There are a number of resources available to you on campus to support your wellness, including your undergraduate dean, Counseling and Human Development, and the Student Wellness Center.

Religious Observances

Some students may wish to take part in religious observances that occur during this academic term. If you have a religious observance that conflicts with your participation in the course, please meet with me as soon as possible, or before the end of the second week of the term—at the latest, to discuss appropriate adjustments. Dartmouth has a deep commitment to support students’ religious observances and diverse faith practices.

Dana P. Williams
Last updated March 19, 2024 11:54:54 EDT