Grading Policy
Written homework and computational projects will be assigned.
Matlab will be used for the computer assignments.
The students are encouraged to work collaboratively on the homework assignments. However, each student should form his/her own solution and turn in his/her own assignment.
The students are supposed to discuss and present the homework assignments during X-hour.
There will be a midterm exam and a comprehensive final.
Students may not receive assistance of any kind from any source (living, published, electronic, etc), except for what is approved prior to the exam, and may not give assistance to anyone. Matters of clarification are to be left to the instructor.
Grading policy:
The course grade will be based on the homework assignments(30%), homework presentations(20%), midterm exam(20%) and final exam(30%).
Course structure:
- All course materials and assignments will be managed through Canvas. //Canvas.
- Homework and exam will be posted on Canvas. Solutions must be submitted electronically through Canvas.
- Late homework will be penalized 10% for each day it is late. Late exam will NOT be accepted.