
Your final grade will be calculated using the following breakdown of your WebWork, written homework, and exam scores.

AssignmentPercent of Final Grade
Written Homework15%
Midterm 120%
Midterm 220%
Final Exam30%


WebWork will be assigned after each lecture. Assignments are due at the beginning of the lecture after next. WebWork assignments are composed of three questions and students have unlimited attempts to complete each one.

Written Homework

There will be six written homework assignments, due at the beginning of class each Monday during weeks where there is no exam (excluding the first week). The lowest score out of the six will be dropped.

Each homework problem will be graded out of three points. You will receive three points for a correct or nearly correct solution to a problem. (For example, minor mistakes like missing a minus sign or copying down a number incorrectly should still result in the full three points.) You will receive two points for a solution which demonstrates a healthy attempt to solve the problem. You will receive one point if your solution is significantly incomplete or shows no understanding of what the problem is asking, but does show a good-faith attempt to find an answer. Zero points will be awarded for blank or woefully incomplete answers.

Extra Assignments

Students who perform significantly below expectations on midterm exams will be given remedial assignments that can help improve their grade.


All assignment grades will be available through the course's Canvas page.