The latest homework will always appear on top.
If you are interested in learning to typeset mathematics here is a list of resources
compiled by Rebecca Weber on LaTex
Late Homework will not be accepted. If you must miss a class, it is your responsibility to submit all homework on time.
Make sure that in your homework you indicate everyone that helped you in the homework or anyone
with whom you collaborated. For example, write "Tutorial" or "Office Hours", if you received help from these sources.
WebWork problems:
These problems are very important. We will discuss most of them in class.
Please be sure that you understand these problems thoroughly.
Written assignments: These problems will be graded in detail and are due once a week on
Tuesdays via Gradescope. You should make sure that they are well-written.
Week 1
Friday, January 10:
Topic: Vector Equations; Matrix Equations
Today we will learn how to interpret a system of linear equations both as a vector equation or as
a matrix equation.
- WebWork Sec. 1.3 and 1.4 (due Monday by 10PM)
- Reading Homework: Read Sect. 1.5 (due Monday at the beginning of class)
- Written Homework: Homework Set #1 (due Tues. January 14 at 10PM EST or before)
Submit the homework using Gradescope.
- Discussion Homework: Make sure to visit and post in the Discussion page for Canvas.
Wednesday, January 8:
Topic: Row Reduction and Echelon Forms
Today we will learn about solving systems of linear equations and converting one system to another
system with the same solution set.
- WebWork Sec. 1.2 (due Friday by 10PM)
Reading Homework: Read Section 1.3-1.4 (due Friday at the beginning of class)
- Written Homework: Homework Set #1
(due Tues. January 14 at 10PM EST or before)
Submit the homework using Gradescope.
- Discussion Homework: Make sure to visit and post in the Discussion page for Canvas.
Monday, January 6:
Topic: Linear Systems of Equations
Today we will have an introduction to the course as well as introduce systems of linear equations and
solutions to these systems.
- WebWork Sec. 1.1 (due Wednesday by 10PM)
- Reading Homework: Read Section 1.1 and 1.2 (due Wednesday at the beginning of class)
- Discussion Homework: Make sure to visit and post in the Discussion page for Canvas (due Sunday by 10 PM).
- If you are adding the class on January 6 or later, email your instructor to get access
to WeBWork and Gradescope.
Page created and maintained by R. Orellana