Differential Equations

Math 23, Spring 2018


Instructor ilker Kocyigit
Kemeny 108,   
MWF  (Section-01 at 11:30,  Section-02 at 12:50)
Tutorials Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday 7-9pm in Kemeny 105
( TA: James G. Ronan )
Contacts ilker.Kocyigit AT Dartmouth.edu
James.G.Ronan.GR AT Dartmouth.edu  (TA)
Office Hours  Monday 3:00 - 4:00pm 
 Wednesday 2:00 - 3:30pm 
 Friday 2:15 - 3:15pm 
   (at 316 Kemeny)
I might be using X-hours for catch-up or group studies if needed, keep X-hour available in your schedules.


General Information


The course grade will be based upon on weekly homework (15%), midterm (40%) and a final exam (45%).

Plagiarism, collusion, or other violations of the Academic Honor Principle, after consultation, will be referred to the The Committee on Standards.


There will be one in-class "midterm examination" and an in-class final examination. These will not be during the regular class times.

Do not make plans to leave Hanover before the end of the final exam week . The exams will not be given earlier to accommodate your travel plans. The exams are scheduled as follows:

Here is a sample of past exams from other Instructors.

If you have a legitimate conflict with the scheduled exam time you may take the exam from 7 to 9 pm on the same day, provided you receive written permission from your instructor prior to the day of the exam.


Written homework will be assigned weekly and will be posted on the homework page. It will be due each Wednesday, and is to be turned into the homework boxes outside of Kemeny 108 by 3:30 p.m; no late homework will be accepted. Homework will typically cover the material up through the previous Friday.

No late homework will be accepted. However, your lowest homework score will be dropped.

Please follow the homework submission guidelines.

Cooperation on homework is permitted (and encouraged), but if you work together, do not take any paper away with you--in other words, you can share your thoughts (say on a blackboard), but you have to walk away with only your understanding. In particular, you must write the solution up on your own. Please acknowledge any cooperative work at the end of each assignment.

Honor Principle

On Exams: Any student giving or receiving assistance during an examination or quiz violates the Academic Honor Principle.

On Homework: Collaboration is permitted and even encouraged, but obviously it is a violation of the honor code for someone to provide the answers for you. However, assistance of any kind should be properly acknowledged.


Your teaching assistants will run tutorials, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights from 7-9pm in Kemeny 105, focusing on working through problems. Please note that the students in the previous years found these tutorials to be very helpful! Please bring questions you are stuck on!


Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (10th Edition) by Boyce & DiPrima, Wiley 2012. The book is on course reserve Baker-Berry library (for 24 hour loan see Baker Reserve Desk). 

ORC Course description

This course is a survey of important types of differential equations, both linear and nonlinear. Topics include the study of systems of ordinary differential equations using eigenvectors and eigenvalues, numerical solutions of first and second order equations and of systems, and the solution of elementary partial differential equations using Fourier series.


Mathematics 13


Students with learning, physical, or psychiatric disabilities enrolled in this course that may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an office appointment to see your instructor before the end of the second week of the term. All discussions will remain confidential, although the Student Accessibility Services office may be consulted to discuss appropriate implementation of any accommodation requested. At such a meeting please provide your instructor with a copy of a disability registration form, which lists the accommodations recommended for the student by Student Accessibility Services within the Academic Skills Center. The person you might want to contact at the Academic Skills center is Ward Newmeyer, Director of Student Accessibility Services 205 Collis Center - (603) 646-9900.

Student Religious Observances

Some students may wish to take part in religious observances that fall during this academic term. Should you have a religious observance that conflicts with your participation in the course, please come speak with your instructor before the end of the second week of the term to discuss appropriate accommodations.