Differential Equations

Math 23 Spring 2020


Instructor Yoonsang Lee Yitong Huang
Class Section 01
MWF 12:50 - 1:55
Zoom Meeting ID: 960 814 7464
Section 02
MWF 11:30 - 12:35
Zoom Meeting ID: 505 344 211
x-Hour T 1:20 - 2:10 T 12:15 - 1:05
Contact Yoonsang.Lee AT Dartmouth.edu Yitong.Huang.gr AT Dartmouth.edu
Office Hours MW 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
F 2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
or by appointment
M 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Tu 9:30 am - 10:30 am
W 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Th 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Or by appointment
TA Tutorial sessions Kameron McCombs (Kameron.T.McCombs.GR@dartmouth.edu)

W 7:00 - 9:00 pm
S 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 377-988-013

Dear students, by enrolling in Math 23, you consent that

(1) Consent to recording of course and group office hours

  • I affirm my understanding that this course and any associated group meetings involving students and the instructor, including but not limited to scheduled and ad hoc office hours and other consultations, may be recorded within any digital platform used to offer remote instruction for this course;
  • I further affirm that the instructor owns the copyright to their instructional materials, of which these recordings constitute a part, and distribution of any of these recordings in whole or in part without prior written consent of the instructor may be subject to discipline by Dartmouth up to and including expulsion;
  • I authorize Dartmouth and anyone acting on behalf of Dartmouth to record my participation and appearance in any medium, and to use my name, likeness, and voice in connection with such recording; and
  • I authorize Dartmouth and anyone acting on behalf of Dartmouth to use, reproduce, or distribute such recording without restrictions or limitation for any educational purpose deemed appropriate by Dartmouth and anyone acting on behalf of Dartmouth.

  • (2) Requirement of consent to recordings

  • By enrolling in this course, I hereby affirm that I will not under any circumstance make a recording in any medium of any one-on-one or group meeting with the instructor and/or students without obtaining the prior written consent of all those participating, and I understand that if I violate this prohibition, I will be subject to discipline by Dartmouth up to and including expulsion, as well as any other civil or criminal penalties under applicable law.

  • Disabilities

    Students requesting disability-related accommodations and services for this course are encouraged to schedule a phone/video meeting with instructors as early in the term as possible. This conversation will help to establish what supports are built into my online course. In order for accommodations to be authorized, students are required to consult with Student Accessibility Services (SAS; student.accessibility.services@dartmouth.edu; SAS website; 603-646-9900) and to email instructors their SAS accommodation form. We will then work together with SAS if accommodations need to be modified based on the online learning environment. If students have questions about whether they are eligible for accommodations, they should contact the SAS office. All inquiries and discussions will remain confidential.


    General Information


    Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems (10th Edition) by Boyce & DiPrima, Wiley 2012

    ORC Course description

    This course is a survey of important types of differential equations, both linear and nonlinear. Topics include the study of systems of ordinary differential equations using eigenvectors and eigenvalues, numerical solutions of first and second order equations and of systems, and the solution of elementary partial differential equations using Fourier series.


    Math 13: Multivariable Calculus


    The course grade will be based upon on

    Violations of the Academic Honor Principle will be referred to the the Committee on Standards. In particular please be aware of rules regarding plagiarism and collusion.


    All exams are take-home. The exams are scheduled as follows:

    Here are some past exams given in previous terms. Please note that these are only meant as practice problems. You should not draw any conclusions about the topics, problem structure, or level of difficulty from them. Working the problems at the end of each section and carefully reviewing your class notes is a great way to prepare for exams.


    Homework reinforces concepts and skills while challenging students to extend what they have learned to other types of problems. Because it is important for students to have this experience, instructors will not solve assigned homework problems during office hours before the due date. We will of course answer questions you may have in approaching problems that give you difficulty. It is therefore essential to begin homework sets early so that you may get help if difficulties do arise.

    Written homework is assigned weekly and posted on Canvas. All homework (in .zip or .pdf) will be submitted on Canvas. No late homework will be accepted. Homework typically covers course material through the previous Friday.

    Homework grading policy: Because the goal of homework is to have students work through problems, homework grading is based on both effort and correctness based on the following 20 point scale: 85% or higher = 20; 81-85% = 18; 71-80% = 16; 61-70% = 14; 50-60% = 12; "reasonable effort" = 10; "little or no effort" = 0.

    Please follow the homework submission guidelines.

    Honor Principle

    We will strictly enforce Dartmouth's Academic Honor Principle.

    On Exams: Giving and/or receiving assistance during an examination violates the Academic Honor Principle.

    On Homework: Collaboration is permitted and even encouraged, but it is a violation of the honor code for someone to provide the answers for you. However, assistance of any kind should be properly acknowledged.

    Graduate assistant tutorials

    Kameron McCombs (Kameron.T.McCombs.GR@dartmouth.edu) will run problem solving tutorials. Times are TBA.

    Student Religious Observances

    Some students may wish to take part in religious observances that fall during this academic term. Should you have a religious observance that conflicts with your participation in the course, please come speak with your instructor before the end of the second week of the term to discuss appropriate accommodations.