Math 36

Mathematical Models of Social Science
Last updated November 05, 2021 09:59:50 EDT


Date Brief Description
9/13 Introduction to Voting
9/15 Preference Systems
9/17 Spatial Models of Voting
9/20 Introduction to Probability
9/22 Birth-Death Processes
9/24 Monte Carlo Simulations
9/27 Modeling with Games
9/29 Nash Equilibrium
10/1 Evolutionary Dynamics
10/4 Representations of Networks
10/6 Centralities
10/8 Simulating Games on Networks
10/11 Monty Hall and Benford's Law
10/13 Project Proposals Due
10/13 Markov Chains Pt 1
10/14 Midterm 1
10/15 Markov Chains Pt 2
10/18 Erdos-Renyi Random Networks
10/20 Barabasi-Albert Model of Preferential Attachment
10/22 Small-world Networks
10/25 Nash Equilibrium for Asymmetric Games
10/27 Elimination of Dominated Strategies Pt 1
10/29 Elimination of Dominated Strategies Pt 2
11/1 Compartmental Models
11/3 Gerrymandering Pt 1
11/5 Gerrymandering Pt 2
11/8 Arrow's Impossibility Theorem
11/10 The Median Voter Theorem
11/11 Midterm 2
11/12 Proportional Representation in Voting
11/15 Markov Chain Monte Carlo
11/19 Final Project Due