Math 3: Introductory Calculus
Winter 2003
Class Meetings:
Section 1: MWF 8:45-9:50, x-hour TUESDAY, 9-9:50, in 101 Bradley Hall.
Section 2: MWF 11:15-12:20, x-hour Tuesday, 12-12:50, in 101 Bradley Hall.
Both sections will often use the x-hour for lecture or supplemental activities.
Adjustments to Scheduled Class Meetings and Tutorials:
Classes will meet during the x-hours on 1/7, 1/14, 1/21 and 2/4. There will
be tutorial on the Monday night before each of these classes. Classes will not
meet on Saturday 1/11, Friday 1/17, Monday 1/20, or Friday 2/7. Other changes
to the standard schedule may be announced as the term progresses.
Marcia Groszek (Section 2)
Office: 104 Choate, phone 6-2313
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 1:00-2:50, and by appointment.
Elizabeth Brown (Section
Office: 412 Bradley, phone 6-1720
Office Hours: MWF 8-8:30am, Tuesdays, 8-8:30 AM on weeks with an x-hour meeting,
9-10 AM on other weeks, and by appointment.
Text: Calculus, fifth edition, by James Stewart, published by
Exams: Midterms will be held 6-8 PM February 3 and February 24 in 101 Bradley Hall. The final exam will be scheduled by the Registrar. If you have a conflict with a midterm exam, please talk to your professor as soon as possible about scheduling an alternate time. With less than a week's notice, scheduling an alternate time may not be possible. Final exams are given only during the scheduled times.
Tutorials: 6-8 PM Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Monday nights when there is a class in the x-hours on Tuesday, in Bradley 102.
Homework: Homework and reading will be assigned each class period and will be due by 5 PM the day of the next class meeting. (This will vary with the use of x-hours.) The assignment will also be posted on our homework page. You should submit homework to the homework boxes on the first floor of Bradley Hall. Late homework will be accepted for partial credit but may not be graded. If you have a valid reason for turning in homework late (such as an illness or a family emergency), please talk to your professor.
Grading: The course grade is based on homework (20%), midterms (25% each), and the final exam (30%).
Honor Principle: Every student who matriculates at Dartmouth agrees
to abide by the academic honor principle. You have an obligation to act with
integrity in your own academic work, and to take action if you observe honor
code violations by others. Academic integrity is essential to the scientific
enterprise and we take it seriously.
In Math 3 you are encouraged to work together on homework problems, and to use
professors, tutors, other students, other textbooks, and generally any resource
you can find that will help you understand and work the problems. You must write
up the homework solutions by yourself in your own words.
You must do all work on exams independently, without giving or receiving assistance
of any kind.
Disabilities: If you have a disability of any sort that may affect your participation in the course or require accommodations, please speak to the professor at the beginning of the term. These conversations will be completely confidential, with the single exception that the professor may contact the Student Disabilities Coordinator at the Academic Skills Center to discuss appropriate accommodations. Students with disabilities that may need classroom accommodations should also talk to the Student Disabilities Coordinator directly.
Special Concerns: Please talk to your professor as soon as possible, or whenever something comes up, about any special concerns you have about the class. If you have athletic or other extracurricular commitments and hope to accommodate them (for example, by taking midterms at alternative times), talk to the professor. If you are in any way concerned about the course or your performance in it, talk to the professor. If you can't do the homework, talk to the professor. Also talk to the tutor about any of your concerns. Make an appointment if you cannot come to our regular hours. We are here and we want to see you.
Last updated 1/7/2003.