Math 43 Spring 2022
Functions of a Complex Variable
Last updated May 23, 2022 18:25:10 EDT

General Information HW Assignments Canvas Page


Homework Assigments

Week of March 30 to April 3
(Due Tuesday, April 5)
Assignments Made on:
  • Because we are not meeting Friday this week, our "first week" consists of today's lecture along with our x-hour Tuesday, Wednesday's lecture, and Monday's lecture! Hence the homework for this four lectures is due Tuesday rather than the usual Monday. Please keep up or Monday night will be very unpleasant.
  • Read:Sections 1.1 and 1.2.
  • Do:
    1. In section 1.1 work problems: 4, 8, 12, 21 and 30.
    2. In section 1.2, work: 6,7dehi, 14 and 16.
  • Suggested Only:
    1. In section 1.1 look at: 15, 19, 22, 24 and 28.
    2. In section 1.2: 8 and 17.
    3. Just for fun, suppose that $F$ is an ordered field as in problem 30.
      • Show that $-x$ is unique; that is, show that if $x+y=0$, then $y=-x$.
      • Show that $(-1)(x)=-x$.
      • Conclude that $0<1$.
      • Show that $(-1)(-1)=1$.
      • Conclude that if $x<0$ and $y<0$, then $xy>0$.
Tuesday (x-hour) and Wednesday:
  • Files:The slides from Monday's lecture can be found under the "Files" tab on our canvas page. I also posted a solution to the ellipse example under the "Files" tab in the Solutions folder.
  • Read: Sections 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5.
  • Do: In section 1.3, work: 7defg, 9, 11, 13, 16 and 23. In section 1.4 work: 2, 4, 11 and 20.
  • Hint: In section 1.4 number 20, I used the trigonometric identity $\cos(y)-\cos(x)=2\sin\bigl(\frac{x+y}2\bigr) \sin\bigl (\frac{x-y}2\bigr)$.
  • Suggested Only: In section 1.3: 5 and 10. In section 1.4: 7,8 16 and 17.
Monday (April 4th):
  • Read: Sections 1.5 and 1.6. Skim 1.7. We won't cover section 1.7 in class, but we'll come back to some of the concepts later.
  • Do: In section 1.5, work: 6b, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 and 17. In section 1.6: 1, 10, 15, 18 and 20.
  • Suggested Only:In section 1.5: 5acf, 12 and 13. In section 1.6: 2-8 and 19.

Week of April 5 to April 8
Due Monday, April 11
Assignments Made on:
Tuesday (x-hour):
  • Study: Sections 2.1 and 2.2
  • Do:
    1. In Section 2.1: 10, 12, 13.
    2. In Section 2.2: 5, 11de, 15, 22, 25bde. (The answer in the book to 11d is incorrect. In problem 15, we know from lecture that a complex valued function is continuous if and only if its real and imaginary parts are. Hence it is "legal" to use that in homework. The authors had in mind you proving one direction of that in this problem. So you can either cite that result, or try to prove it from the definitions. Either way would be acceptable here.)
  • Suggested:
    1. In Section 2.1: 1ace, 3d, 5, 7, 8, 9.
    2. In Section 2.2: 4, 6, 12.
  • Study: Read Sections 2.3 and 2.4. We will not finish section 2.4 today so I moved some of the homework from section 2.4 to Friday.
  • Do:
    1. In Section 2.3: 4a, 12, 16.
    2. In Section 2.4: 3, 5.
  • Suggested:
    1. In Section 2.3: 1, 3, 8, 11egf, 13, 14.
    2. In Section 2.4: 1, 2, 4 (from lecture), 6.
  • Study: Read Section 2.5 and 3.1. We will only cover a small part of section 3.1 in lecture, but you should skip the parts we don not talk about.
  • Do:
    1. In Section 2.4: 8, 12, 14.
    2. In Section 2.5: 5, 6, 8, 18, 20*, 21*. (See below for hints on 20 and 21.)
    3. Compare the asserions in problems 20 and 21. Why is there no contradiction here?
    4. I didn't understand the author's hint for problem 20. Instead, I used the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. We want to show a function $u$ harmonic in $D=\{z\in \mathbf{C}:|z-z_0|< d\,\}$ has a harmonic conjugate in $D$. Then let $z_0=x_0+iy_0$. Now if $a+ib\in D$, then the line seqments from $a+ib$ to $a+iy_0$ and from $x_0+iy_0$ to $a+iy_0$ are also in $D$. Define $$v(a,b)=\int_{y_0}^b u_x(a,t)\,dt +\phi(a),$$ where $\phi$ is a function to be defined by you later. You may assume that we know from our calculus courses that this defines a continuous function $v$ with continuous second partial derivatives. Note that the second term in the displayed equation above depends only on $a$ and not on $b$. You may also assume that $$\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\int_{y_0}^b u_x(a,t)\,dt =\int_{y_0}^b u_{xx}(a,t)\,dt.$$ (This is called "differentiating under the intergral sign", and we will also assume this from calculus.)
    5. For 21, the idea is that any two harmonic conjugates in a domain must differ by a real constant. You may assume without proof that $z\mapsto \ln(|z|)$ is harmonic on $\mathbf{C}\setminus\{0\}$ and that $z\mapsto \ln(|z|)+i\operatorname{Arg}(z)$ is analytic on the complement $D^*$ of the nonpositive real axis. (If you wish, you can check that $\ln(\sqrt{x^2+y^2})$ is harmonic on $\mathbf{C}\setminus\{0\}$, and you can show $\operatorname{Arg} (x+ i y)$ is harmonic by computing its partials using inverse trig functions and taking care to note what quadrant you are in -- but we will find a better way later. Then the analticity of $\ln(|z|)+\operatorname{Arg}(z)$ follows from one of our Cauchy-Riemann theorems. But we will agree to make this problem less messy by making the above assumptions.)
  • Suggested: In Section 2.5: 1b, 2, 3cd.

Week of April 11 to April 15
Due Monday, April 18
Assignments Made on:
  • Study: As announced in lecture, selected solutions for the HW1 have been posted on our canvas page (under "Files"). The solutions to HW2 will be posted once gradebook closes this evening. For today, you should read Sections 3.1 and 3.2. We covered only part of Section 3.1 in lecture but the reading may help firming up that material. We may not finish all of 3.2 in lecture on Monday.
  • Do:
    1. In Section 3.1: 3c (see the first forumla in problem #20 in section 1.4), 7, 10, 15ac.
    2. In Section 3.2: 18, 19, 23. (In problem 18, we can not apply L'Hopital as we haven't proved it in the complex case.)
  • Suggested:
    1. In section 3.1: 4 and 12.
    2. In section 3.2: 5de, 8, 9, 11.
  • Study: Read Section 3.3. Some care is required as students often find the complex logarithm confusing the first time they see it.
  • Do: In Section 3.3: 3, 4, 9, 14.
  • Suggested: In Section 3.3: 5, 6.
  • Study: Read Section 3.5. (We are not covering Section 3.4 although a quick skim of the material could still be helpful.) We may start of Section 4.1 if there is time. The preliminary exam on Tuesday will cover through Section 3.5.
  • Do: In Section 3.5: 1ae, 5, 11, 12, and 19.
  • Suggested: In Section 3.5: 3, 4, and 15a.

Week of April 18 to April 22
Due Monday, April 25
Assignments Made on:
  • Study: Read Section 4.1 and get started on Section 4.2. While this material is not on the prelminary exam, it is fundamental for what is to come. In particular, so called "contour integrals" will be crucial for our main results. These turn out to just be suitably disguised versions of the line integrals we studied in vector calculus.
  • Do: In Section 4.1: 3, 4, 8.
Tuesday (x-hour):
  • Preliminary Exam: There will be a 50 minute "in class" portion in our x-hour. The "take-home" portion will be available on gradescope must be uploaded prior to the start of class on Wednesday.
  • Study: Finish Section 4.2 and read the first part of section 4.3.
  • Do:
    1. In Section 4.2: 5, 6a and 14.
    2. Recall from multivariable calculus that if $\mathbf{F}(x,y)=(P(x,y),Q(x,y))$ is a vector field continuous on a contour $\Gamma$ parameterized by $z(t)=(x(t),y(t))$ with $t\in [a,b]$ (we would write $z(t) =x(t)+iy(t)$ in Math 43), then the "line integral" is $$\int_\Gamma \mathbf{F}\cdot d\mathbf{r}=\int_\Gamma P\, dx + Q\,dy,$$ where, for example, $$\int_\Gamma P\,dx=\int_a^b P(x(t),y(t))x'(t)\,dt.$$ (If we think of $\mathbf{F}$ as a force field, the line integral gives us the work done in traversing $\Gamma$ through $\mathbf{F}$.) Now suppose that $f(x+iy)=u(x,y)+iv(x,y)$ is continuous on $\Gamma$. Find $P$, $Q$, $R$ and $T$ such that $$ \int_\Gamma f(z)\,dz=\int_\Gamma P\,dx+Q\,dy +i \Bigl(\int_\Gamma R\,dx + T\,dy\Bigr). $$
  • Study: Finish Section 4.3.
  • Do: In Section 4.3: 2, 3, 5.
  • Suggested: In Section 4.3: 6, 7. Note that we approached 6 (when $z_0=0$) differently in lecture.

Week April 25 to April 29
Due Monday, May 2
Assignments Made on:
  • Study: Read Section 4.4a. We are not covering Section 4.4b.
  • Do: In Section 4.4: 2, 15, 18, 19.
  • Suggested: In Section 4.4: 1, 3, 5, 9, 11.
  • Study: Read Section 4.5
  • Do:
    1. In Section 4.5: 2, 16, 17.
    2. Recall from multivariable calculus that Green's Theorem says that if $\Gamma$ is a positively oriented simple closed contour in a simply connected domain $D$, then provided $P$ and $Q$ have continuous partial derivatives, $$ \int_\Gamma P\,dx + Q\,dy =\iint_E (Q_x-P_y)\,dA, $$ where $E$ is the interior of $\Gamma$. Use Green's Theorem and your analysis of line integrals from last Wednesday's (April 17th) assignment to prove (without using the Deformation Invariance Theorem) a weak form of Cauchy's Integral Theorem which says that if $f=u+iv$ is analytic is a simply connected domain $D$, then $$ \int_\Gamma f(z)\,dz=0 $$ for any simple closed contour $\Gamma$ in $D$. You may assume that $u$ and $v$ have continuous partials.
  • Study: Finish or re-read Section 4.5.
  • Do: In Section 4.5: 6, 8, 13, 15.
  • Suggested:In Section 4.5: 1, 3, 10.

Week of May 2 to May 6
Due Monday, May 9
Assignments Made on:
  • Study: Read Section 4.6.
  • Do:
    1. In Section 4.6: 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 14.
    2. Suppose that $f$ is entire and that $|f(z)|\ge 1$ for all $z$. Prove that $f$ is constant.
  • Chapter 5: Today and Wednesday, we start working with power series. A review of series as well as both Talyor and MacLaurin series would not go amiss.
  • Study: Read Section 5.1
  • Do: In Section 5.1: 5, 6, 16, 18, 20.
  • Study: Read Section 5.2.
  • Do: In Section 5.2: 4, 10, 11bc, 13.

Week of May 9 to May 13
Due Monday, May 16
Assignments Made on:
  • Study: Read Section 5.3.
  • Do:
    1. In Section 5.3: 1, 6, 8.
    2. Prove the following result from lecture: Consider the power series $$\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n z^n .$$ We want to see that there is an $R$ such that $0\le R\le \infty$ with the property that the series converges absolutely if $|z|< R$ and diverges if $|z|>R$. Furthermore, the convergence is uniform on any closed subdisk $\overline{B_r(0)}$ provided $0< r < R$. I suggest the following approach. (Also see Lemma 2 in Section 5.3 of the text.)
      1. Show that if the series converges at $z_0$, then there is a constant $M<\infty$ such that for all $n\ge0$ we have $|a_n z_0^n|\le M$. (Consider problem 5 in section 5.1.)
      2. Suppose the series converges at $z_0$ with $M$ as above. Show that if $|z| < |z_0|$ then $|a_n z^n| \le M \bigl |\frac z{z_0}\bigr |^n$. Conclude from the Comparison Test that the series converges absolutely if $|z|<|z_0|$.
      3. Let $A=\{\,|z|: \text{the series converges at $z$}\}$. Note that $0\in A$ so that $A$ is not the empty set. If $A$ is bounded above, let $R$ be the least upper bound of $A$. Otherwise, let $R=\infty$. Show that $R$ has the required properties. (Hint: you may want to use the fact (without proof) that if $\sum_{n=0}^\infty c_n$ converges absolutely, then $|\sum c_n|\le\sum|c_n|$.) Recall that if $R<\infty$, then for all $x\in X$, $x\le R$ and if $x\le S$ for all $x\in A$, then $R\le S$.
      4. (Optional) Show that the convergence is uniform on $\overline{B_r(0)}$.
  • Study: Read Section 5.5. We are not formally covering Section 5.4.
  • Do: In Section 5.5: 1ac, 6, 7ab, 9, 13.
  • Study: Start Section 5.6. We probably will not cover all of Section 5.6 today.
  • Do: Let $$f(z)=\sum_{j=1}^\infty \frac{b_j}{z^j} \quad\text{ for $|z|>r$. } $$ Show that we can differentiate $f$ term-by-term. That is, we want to show $$f'(z) = \sum_{j=1}^\infty -j\frac{b_j}{z^{j+1}}.$$ Hint: I suggest introducing the function $g(z)=\sum_{j=1}^\infty b_j z^j$ and using the chain rule and what you know about differentiating a Taylor series term-by-term.

Week of May 16 to May 29
Due Monday, May 23
Assignments Made on:
  • Study: Finish Section 5.6. Note that some of the results proved in lecture are sharper (and more useful) than the versions proved in the text.
  • Do: In Section 5.6: 4, 6, 10, 12, 15. For problem 10, what kind of singularities does $g(z)=(z-z_1)^{-m_1}\cdots(z-z_n)^{-m_n}f(z)$ have?
  • Study: Read Section 6.1.
  • Do: In Section 6.1: 4, 5, 6.
  • Study: Read Section 6.2 and start Section 6.3.
  • Do:
    1. In Section 6.2: 3, 5, 9. (For problem 9, the binomial theorem might be helpful.) I'm only assigning a few of these as the answers are provided. Use your own judgement about how much practice you need. (I previously suggested you try number 7. This was a mistake. The problem is ridulously complicated and I can get my answer to look like the texts only with a ridiculous trick. I suggest you DON'T try problem 7.
    2. EP-1: We proved in lecture that $$ \int_\pi^{2\pi} f(\cos(\theta))\,d\theta=\int_0^\pi f(\cos(\theta))\,d\theta.$$ Does the same hold if we replace $\cos(\theta)$ with $\sin(\theta)$? What if $f(-z)=f(z)$?
    3. EP-2: Suppose that $f$ is analytic on and inside a positively oriented simple closed contour $\Gamma$ and that $f$ does not vanish on $\Gamma$. Assume that $f$ has finitely many distinct zeros $z_1,\dots,z_n$ inside $\Gamma$ with orders $m_1,\dots,m_n$. (If $f$ is nonconstant, then $f$ has at most finitely many zeros inside $\Gamma$, but you are not required to proved this). Use the Residue Theorem to show that $$ \frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma \frac{f'(z)}{f(z)}\,dz= m_1+\cdots + m_n. $$ Thus, in English, the contour integral counts the number of zeros, $N_f$ of $f$ inside $\Gamma$ up to multiplicity. (Problem #6 from section 6.1 is helpful here.)
  • For Fun Only: This material will never be tested in this course. I just thought you might be interested. I meantioned in lecture that the sorts of definite trigometric integrals we can do using complex methods would be tedious to do in the classical fashion by finding an anti-derivative. But back in the day, when calculus was hard, we learned that we could find anti-derivatives of rational functions of $\sin (\theta)$ and $\cos (\theta)$ by making the substition $z=\tan( \frac\theta 2)$. You can check the following.
    1. Show that $$d\theta=\frac{2dz}{z^2+1}.$$
    2. Show off your trigonometry by showing that $$\cos(\theta)=\frac{1-z^2}{1+z^2}\quad\hbox{and}\quad\sin(\theta)= \frac{2z}{1+z^2}.$$
    3. Observe this transforms the integral of a rational function of $\cos(\theta)$ and $\sin(\theta)$ into an integral of a bonafide rational function in $z$ which we also knew how to do back in the day.
    4. For example, our first example from lecture: $$ \int\frac1{2+\cos(\theta)}\,d\theta \to \int \frac 2{3+z^2}\,dz = \frac23\int \frac 1{1+ (\frac z{\sqrt3})^2}\,dz\to \frac2{\sqrt3}\arctan \left( \frac{\tan(\theta/2)}{\sqrt3}\right)+C.$$
    5. You get to decide whether complex theory makes it easier.

Week of May 23 to 27
This homework will not be collected
Assignments Made on:
  • Study: Read Section 6.3 and start Section 6.4.
  • Do: Do:
    1. In Section 6.3: Questions 1-7 all have answers provided and are good practice for applying our "Plus Two Residue Theorem". I suggest looking at at least 1 and 5. Note that the algebra in 7 is challenging. Questions 11 and 13 are more interesting. You can look at Questions 14 to 19 out of curiosity, but we will not cover that material nor will it appear on any exam this term.
    2. (EP-3) Suppose $f$ has a pole of order k at $z_0$. What is $\operatorname{Res}(\frac {f'}{f};z_0)$?
    3. (EP-4) Use the Residue Theorem to restate the conclusion to the written problem (EP-2) to include the case where $\Gamma$ encloses finitely many poles of $f$ as well as finitely many zeros: that is, assume $f$ is analytic on and inside of a simply closed contour $\Gamma$ except for possibly finitely many poles inside of $\Gamma$ and that $f$ does not vanish on $\gamma$. Suppose $f$ has finitely many zeros inside of $\Gamma$. Show that $$ \frac1{2\pi i}\int_\Gamma \frac{f'(z)}{f(z)}\,dz= N_f-P_f, $$ where $N_f$ is the number of zeros of $f$ inside of $\Gamma$ counted up to multiplicty and $P_f$ is the number of poles of $f$ inside of $\Gamma$ counted up to multiplicity. For fun, use this to answer #3 in Section 6.7.
  • Study: Read Section 6.4
  • Do: Do: In Section 6.4: I suggest at least 2, 3, and 7. Note that our methods do not apply to 4, 9, and 10. If you choose to use the techniques in the text and not our versions from lecture, you must explain what you are doing.
  • Study: Read Section 6.7. Our approach is more streamlined than that of the text. You are only responsible for what we do in lecture.
  • Do: Do: In Section 6.7: 2, 4, 6. Note we already did problem 3.

Dana P. Williams
Last updated May 23, 2022 18:25:10 EDT