General Information | HW Assignments | Canvas Page |
The Textbook | Scheduled Lectures | Instructors |
Examinations | Homework Policy | Grades |
Honor Principle | Special Considerations |
Textbook |
Fundamentals of Complex Analysis (Third Edition) by E. B. Saff and A. D. Snider
Scheduled Lectures |
Williams |
MWF 12:50 to 1:55 (x-hour) Tu 1:20 to 2:10 |
Kemeny 108 |
Instructor |
Professor Dana P. Williams |
Office: 305 Kemeny Hall |
Office Hours: here |
Contact via |
Exams |
There will be a "preliminary exam" and a "midterm-exam" followed by a cumulative final-exam. The preliminary and midterm exams will have an "in-class" portion administered during our x-hour and a "take-home" portion due at the beginning of lecture the next day. The final will be all "in-class" and will be given at the time and place scheduled by the Registrar.
Preliminary Exam | Tuesday, April 18th |
Midterm Exam | Tuesday May 9th |
Final Exam | Sunday, June 4th, 3 - 6 pm |
Homework Policy |
Grades |
You grade in the class will be determined by your performance on the exams and weighted as follows.
Preliminary Exam | 60 points |
Midterm Exam | 100 points |
Homework | 30 points |
Final Exam | 150 points |
Total | 340 points |
The Honor Principle |
Academic integrity is at the core of our mission as mathematicians and educators, and we take it very seriously. It is your responsibility to be aware of college policies in this regard: Honor Principle at Dartmouth College.
For this course, be aware of the following.
On homework, you are encouraged to collaborate with classmates, friends, and/or consult with me in office hours. However, you are expected to write up solutions on your own.
During exams, you may not give or receive help from anyone. Calculators and similar electronic computing devices are not permitted.
During the in-class portion of exams, you may not access any outside sources other than spiritual.
For the take-home portions of exams, you may use your textbook, course notes, and all material distributed via the web page or via our canvas page. Of course accessing the internet to research answers is an Honor Code violation.
Special Considerations |
Dana P. Williams
Last updated May 04, 2023 10:12:19 EDT