There are three things students will be responsible for each week:
Problem sets will become available each Monday and will be due the following Wednesday at noon EST. Distribution and submission will be through GitHub classroom.
Despite all of us being in different locations across the world, you are not going through this course alone and it is important for everyone to engage with each other as much as possible. To help encourage this, all students are required to post at least one question, comment, or solution on a discussion in Canvas each week. Seed questions will be posted after each lecture to help steer the conversation, but you can also create new posts about lecture material, a logistical question about the course, a link to cool software package you found, or anything else that you think will be useful to the team. Responding to someone else’s question is strongly encouraged and satisfies this requirement.
Combined with the feedback questions below, contributing to these online discussion will constitute your participation grade.
Each week, you will are asked to provide feedback so that I can adapt the class to enhance your learning. There are three simple questions that I will ask you to answer each week:
A survey with these questions in will be sent out in Canvas on the day of each lecture.