
  • If you have not gotten a message about a WeBWorK account, please email Professor Groszek so she can set up an account for you.
  • Information on resources by the Academic skills center and study groups is now on the general information page.
  • The homework due January 20 (Martin Luther King day) is now due Tuesday, January 21, at 10. This holds for written homework as well as Webwork.
  • The solution for Problem 3 in Webwork Day 5 is now posted under the Assignments tab.
  • We will use the x-hour on week 8 for a lecture.
    Professor Lafreniere (section 2) will have office hours Monday 2-4 PM in Kemeny 229, and Tuesday 2-4 and Wednesday 3-5 PM in Kemeny 201.
    Professor van Wyk (section 3) will hold regular office hours during the exam period, that is Tuesday 12-2, Wednesday 10-12, and by appointment. These will be in Kemeny 314.
    Professor Groszek's office hours will be announced soon.
  • Please, fill the TA evaluation online.
  • Because of concerns about the spread of coronavirus, we have obtained a second exam room to avoid overcrowding. Sections 1 and 2 (Professors Groszek and Lafreniere) will take the exam in 28 Silsby. Section 3 (Professor van Wyk) will take the exam in 113 Silsby.

Nadia Lafreniere
Last updated June 19, 2024