00W 2A

Mara Sabinson
105 Hopkins Center
Phone: 6-2759

Dorothy Wallace
Personal Homepage
202 Choate House
Phone: 6-3610


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College Course 11
Late Renaissance Thoughts
& the New Universe

Math 5
Geometry in Art & Architecture
Unit 10. Celestial Themes in Art
& Architecture

Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library & Renaissance Culture

Ever wonder how the night sky looked to our predecessors? How they explained what they saw? And how their explanations affected and were affected by their view of themselves in their own universe? The answers to these questions shed light on our modern scientific explorations, how we go about them, and what we value of them.

This course explores scientific developments in Renaissance astronomy and their portrayal in literature past and present. By reading some of the writings by Copernicus, Galileo and the prolific Kepler, we will attempt to draw a portrait of scientific upheaval during that period. The science fiction of the Renaissance offers a window into the popular response to these developments, as do various commentaries of the time. Dramatic pieces both recent and of that period show the artistic reconstruction of scientific events, sometimes through a very modern lens. The course will feature a chance for you to be a part of the performance of Brecht's "Galileo" or similar piece, as well as a chance to observe the night sky for yourself, just as Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo did.


Professor Mara Sabinson, Drama
Professor Dorothy Wallace, Math

©   All rights reserved.   Mara Sabinson and Dorothy Wallace   November 1999,  Dartmouth College