Squaring the Circle |
Squaring the Circle,
a guided tour of the geometry of art and architecture
by Paul Calter |
Geometry in Art & Architecture |
Geometry in Art and Architecture,
an extensive web site devoted to a history of the relationship between art
and geometry
by Paul Calter
The Hand and The Key
The Hand and The Key,
a novel about mathematical puzzles found in a Moorish castle,
by Pippa Drew and Dorothy Wallace |
a cross cultural web site displaying the role of symmetry and pattern in art
and mathematics,
by Pippa Drew and Dorothy Wallace
Wind Driven Rain |
Wind Driven Rain,
a video of internationally acclaimed Shibori artist Joan Morris at work in
her studio,
by Edwin Gailits and Dorothy Wallace |
Shibori for Geometers |
Shibori for Geometers,
a constructivist text introducing transformation groups in the context of the
Japanese textile art of Shibori,
by Joan Morris and Dorothy Wallace
Eyes on the Earth |
Eyes on the Earth, I, II, III,
three videos exploring satellite imaging techniques from the point of view of
an artist, a geologist, and a mathematician,
by Richard Birnie, Edwin Gailits, and Dorothy Wallace
The Stone Lions |
The Stone Lions,
a children's fantasy story about geometry in a moorish palace,
by Gwen Dandridge
Color Harmonies and Algebra Tiles |
Harmonies and Algebra Tiles
By Cyndy Wilson