Case Studies in Calculus |
Case Studies in Calculus,
a collection of worksheets promoting in depth exploration of selected applications of calculus,
by Don Kreider and Dwight Lahr
Calcsite |
a web site containing practice problems and tutorial videos,
by Dwight Lahr and Dorothy Wallace
Principles of Calculus Modeling |
Principles of Calculus Modeling,
a slim volume to accompany the case studies,
by Don Kreider and Dwight Lahr
Lake Victoria |
Situated Complexity,
Modeling Change in Nonlinear Biological Systems with a Focus on Africa,
by Dorothy Wallace
Water Hyacinth Distribution |
Water Hyacinth
Distribution in Lake Victoria and Lac Mihindi,
By Daniel Karnes
Music and Computers |
Music and Computers,
a web-based text on music and computers with many interactive Java applet examples, sound and graphic examples,
by Phil Burk, Larry Polansky, Douglas Repetto, Mary Roberts, Dan Rockmore
A Primer in Quantum Mechanics and Chemical Bonding
by Dorothy Wallace & Joseph J BelBruno
Makin' Waves |
Makin' Waves,
an introduction to Fourier series and the wave equation,
by Dorothy Wallace
Integrated Math and Physical Science Text |
Integrated Math and
Physical Science Text,
containing a year of introductory physic and a year of calculus for
students with advanced placement standing,
by Marcia Groszek and Delo Mook
That's Calculus |
That's Calculus,
a video review of basic calculus concepts,
by Edwin Gailits, Marcia Groszek and Dorothy Wallace
Eyes on the Earth |
Eyes on the Earth,
The mathematics of remote sensing,
By Richard Birnie, Edwin Gailits and Dorothy Wallace
An Introduction to Dynamical Systems And Mathematical Modelling |
An Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Modelling,
By Donal O'Shea
Ordinary Differential Equation Machine |
The Big Green Ordinary Differential Equation Machine,
a Java applet that integrates systems of ordinary differential equations,
By B P Reid