Foggy Bike Ride

Research Interests

My research interests include probability, network science, and game theory. My focus is using these mathematical tools to study group coodination and to address social problems like the spread of fake news and voting behavior.

My advisors are Feng Fu and Scott Pauls .

Published Papers

  1. Random Choices can Facilitate the Solving of Collective Network Coloring Problems by Artificial Agents, Matthew I. Jones, Scott D. Pauls, Feng Fu, iScience 24(4), 2021.
  2. The dual problems of coordination and anti-coordination on random bipartite graphs, Matthew I. Jones, Scott D. Pauls, Feng Fu, New J. Phys. 23(113018), 2021.
  3. Polarization, Abstention, and the Median Voter Theorem, Matthew I. Jones, Antonio D. Sirianni, Feng Fu, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9(43), 2022.
